#this is not an attack against anyone who likes it. you're allowed to personally like it just don't try and tell me it's better than it is
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outoftoucherlocksholmes · 2 years ago
i think it’s ridiculous to expect people to make stuff for certain fandoms really consistently or to ask why they stopped making stuff for something because that’s just like, not a realistic approach to how liking things works, but since i haven’t posted any ace attorney since winter when i was playing apollo justice and i still love ace attorney, i do just kind of want to give my reasoning. there is of course the simple fact that there were other things i wanted to draw, of course, and draw them i did. but the reason there was a huge lull in ace attorney art?
i was trying to play dual destinies.
no joke. i tried to play all the games in chronological narrative order (trilogy -> aai/aai2 -> aa4 -> dd -> soj) and like. i adore the trilogy so so much, and aai was like... it had a lot of likeable elements but also a lot of problems and it dragged so hard. and then i got to aa4 and it was such a breath of fresh air returning to the good shu-takumi-directed proper ace attorney and finally meeting apollo and klavier and trucy and everyone else and i loved it.
and then i tried to play dual destinies.
guys, it’s so bad. people on here truly undersell how bad it is just because they like some of the characters (but in my opinion, i couldn’t even like, get attached to athena. i’m sorry. she’s somehow both severely overwritten and underwritten at the same time. you’d have to rework her so much to make her compelling and even then she and her story still wouldn’t fit into a sequel to aa4) but it is literally not at all worth it. i ended up dropping it a few months ago halfway through turnabout academy because i couldn’t take it anymore. and like, soj is apparently worse. the moment i made the decision to abandon it i felt better and started wanting to engage with aa again. like. god, dd is so bad.
anyway i’m now like halfway through professor layton v. phoenix wright: ace attorney and i recommend it SO SO MUCH. it’s such a blast it’s got a really strong story and excellent phoenix & maya characterisation and as always kazuya nuri’s art direction rocks and brings a really lovely cohesive and warm palette to the game (and like. the 3d models are SO much better than the ones in the yamazaki games it’s unreal. phoenix and maya look like themselves and are actually expressive and not disproportionate and not whitewashed either) and the puzzles are super fun (as are the layton characters but. i’m selling this to aa fans rn). it also introduces game mechanics that work really well but also serve as like protypes/the groundwork for mechanics for tgaac. it’s definitely longer than your standard aa game but in the good way, not in the “takeshi yamazaki can’t pace his narratives for shit and nobody in the dev team calls him out on it” way like is the case with aai2 and dd and that god forsaken final case of aai at the embassy.
be kind to yourselves and pick up plvpw and never ever touch dd or soj <3333 peace and love
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 1 month ago
"Appropriate" responses to the Gaiman issue
TLDR: This isn't a Rowling situation, be wary of internalized purity culture.
He's a predator. I'm glad a proper journalist followed up where police have failed (and possibly given victims a better footing for future charges).
But I have a problem with the knee-jerk responses targeting the fandom.
Just to clarify, I'm not talking about insulting The Predator. This is about how you treat people who have/do/will enjoy the stories that unfortunately came into the world through his keyboard.
Fans aren't intrinsically evil/uncaring for continuing to participate in associated fandoms.
This is not another Rowling situation. Why? Let me clarify. The consequences of consumption are very different. Rowling is ACTIVELY using her popularity and income as a creative to target one of the most vulnerable minorities in the world. Buying official merch/books/movie tickets prove to the powers that be that she remains a good investment, so they'll give her even more money. This perpetuates the cycle - new movie/book deals, more income, more hate, rinse and repeat.
The push to avoid Rowling's work in full is driven by the fact that she has FACED NO CONSEQUENCES and is still powered by her creative properties. It's fandom/consumers trying to bring justice.
Gaiman, on the other hand, knew he was doing bad shit on some level because he kept his abuse hidden. His status and reputation let him get close to vulnerable fans and essentially intimidate authorities from going after a celebrity. He is FACING CONSEQUENCES. I would personally like to see criminal charges brought against him, but that's out of the fandom's hands. Things we could've influenced (his Disney deal appears to have gone to shit, he's been booted from the truncated final season of GO, and there's no news on Sandman 3) are already in motion. If his publisher doesn't drop him, I'd say avoiding his future works is beyond valid (I certainly wouldn't buy them). But I'm going to watch the new season of Sandman. And once I've taken time away, I'll probably finish my active fics.
"Judging" people who still enjoy his work stems from good intentions that grew out of the fetid ground of purity culture rhetoric.
Writing fanfic and enjoying shows that are already made do not make people soulless accomplices. The idea that unproblematic stories by saintly creators are the only things you're allowed to enjoy is not only flirting with censorship, but it's also impossible.
If you think people should have nothing to do with Gaiman's works, you better throw out anything Weinstein touched. That includes Jackson's LOTR trilogy, FYI. Also, anything his company officially produced (which still gives him money in some cases) should never, ever grace your screen. That includes some of the better Stephen King adaptations, The Orphanage (which was a breakthrough Spanish-language film in Western markets), The King's Speech, The Imitation Game, Woman in Gold, Paddington, and It Follows.
If you aren't willing to publicly announce your "disappointment" in anyone who continues to enjoy any of those films, then kicking up a fuss over how other people process and interact with problematic content from a fallen celebrity who is in the process of getting his dues is pure hypocrisy.
Personally, I'm maliciously complying with Gaiman's famous quote about how once a story is out there, it doesn't belong to the author anymore. Well said, Predator, these are mine now, and I shall fuck about with them as I see fit.
Attacking or snobbishly looking down your nose at the fandom also erases YEARS of beautiful critique and thoughtful exploration of existing, acknowledged problems in works like The Sandman.
People in these parts already know how to handle complex issues in complex pieces of media. Gaiman isn't our god. His canon is not our bible. He didn't teach us morality, as is apparently the case for a lot of people who grew up reading Rowling's works as a child.
If you have a problem with the censorship comment I made, I'd like to point out at least one writer friend is LEANING INTO the fandom as a way to process their own trauma. Suffice it to say they survived a very similar situation. They see it as empowering to take the stories away from the abuser and use the characters/settings to make something new.
I get the ick. I have it right now. But I'm not burning every copy of his work I own (full disclosure I have... *checks shelves* a copy of Neverwhere and The Sandman series). Doing so is totally valid, and if that helps you process and feel better - go for it!
But this is not the same as Rowling and the only ones you hurt by declaring your "judgement" is a complex group of individuals who are able to enjoy fiction, remain aware of potential social consequences, and found a place that doesn't align with your black/white morality.
With that said, judge away! I better not see any stories from Charles Dickens, anything in anyway associated with the Weinsteins, Nickelodeon shows, Charlie Chaplin references, or Francis Ford Coppola films touch your feed. If you scratch the surface, you'll find more things to judge others for enjoying, and they will inevitably find something to judge you for, too.
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ssweeterthanfiction · 2 months ago
waiiiiit need a fic where reader finds out finnick told snow he’d take on more clients to ensure she’s safe
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HEAVY content warnings: trafficking of victors, panic attack, self hatred, suidcidal thoughts.
part one. (not necessary to read, but if you would like some background i would definitely suggest reading this first)
It was late. Finnick had just gotten home from a long trip. He was gone for nearly a month. A month away from you felt like years. A month away from your smile, a month away from your laughter, a month away from your warm touch.
Tiredly, he walks into the living room of your shared home, flicking on a lamp so he could see better.
He was exhausted.
For the past few weeks it had been nonstop. A new person every single night. At times he would think, if he should even keep up with all of it. But then he remembered why he was doing this, to keep you shielded from the truth, to keep you protected.
"If you want her to remain untouched, you take on the responsibility of the people that would've wanted her."
He passes by a mirror and sees his reflection. He sees the scratches and bruises left by his 'lovers'. He stares at them for a moment, wanting to just rip the skin off of his body instead of just covering them up and playing it off as injuries that he would get from fishing and swimming, maybe then he won't feel dirty and used.
He plops onto the couch, his entire body aching. He puts his head in his hands, thinking that he should end his misery already.
He scolds himself for this.
Finnick hated that he had such thoughts of quiting everything, he hates himself for wanting to give up, he hates feeling dirty, he hates feeling used, he hates himself for allowing Snow to make him bend at his will.
He couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle being treated like a toy. He just wanted it all to end.
But if he truly ended it all, he would be leaving you. He would be leaving you to the hands of the Capitol.
And how they wanted to get their hands on you.
He felt tears well up in his eyes, he felt his hands begin to shake, he felt his heart race.
Then he heard quiet footsteps.
"Finn? Is that you?"
He turns his head and sees you in one of his shirts and your pajama bottoms.
"Yea it's me angel"
You rub your eyes and slowly walk toward the couch. "What time is it?"
"Late." Finnick says, trying to hold back his tears.
You sit down next to him, even though you're half asleep you notice that he's trembling. You move close to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Finnick?...Are you alright?" you say in a gentle tone.
Feeling your warm touch, Finnick breaks down.
You wrap your arms around him, "Finn? Finn what's wrong?" you say as you stroke his hair, trying your best to comfort him.
"I-I'm so sorry angel. I'm so sorry" he says through tears.
You look at him with confusion, "You're sorry for what Finn?"
"For everything. I'm so sorry, I can't do it anymore angel...I can't. I'm so tired." he says as he begins to hyperventilate.
You feel alarms going off inside your head. "Finn. Finnick please talk to me. Please." you say in a soothing tone as you cup his face in your hands.
"I can't keep doing this...I can’t keep pretending, keep smiling for them, keep letting them—" his voice breaks, his breath becomes more uneven.
"Finnick who are you talking about?"
"S-Snow- the entire Capitol-" he says, trembling as he practically sobs in your hands, shaking his head.
You press your lips to his forehead, resting yours against his when you pull away, "Finny...please talk to me,
He sniffles, "They own me. Snow… he owns me."
"Own you? What are you talking about Finny?"
He bites his lip, is he really about to tell you the whole truth?
"He… he sells me. To his friends. To anyone with enough money or influence. And if I say no, if I fight back, he threatens… everyone I care about."
You can feel a pit form in your stomach, you pull him into a tight hug, letting him cry in your arms. "Finny..." you whisper, stroking his hair, "How long has this been going on?"
"S-Since I was sixteen, and they parade me around like I was some prize, some… toy. That's why I take so many trips to the Capitol. That's why I act the way I act. I play the role because- because I thought it meant keeping everyone I cared about safe. But I can’t stop it. I can’t stop him."
"And the worst part? They love it. The Capitol loves it. They think I’m... happy. That I want this." he says, his tears wetting the fabric of your shirt. "But it’s never enough. Snow always wants more."
You tighten your embrace, letting him cry it all out.
"He threatened you, angel. He wanted to do this same thing to you. I couldn’t let that happen. He would’ve taken you, used you, broken you. And I couldn’t live with that. I couldn’t let him touch you. So I made a deal. I told him I’d take on more, do whatever he wanted, as long as he left you alone. That's why my trips have been so much longer."
Your heart shatters. You can feel tears begin to well in your eyes, you don't even know what to say. He's been dealing with so much. Alone. Just to keep you protected. "Oh..Finny" you say shakily, pressing gentle kisses to his forehead.
"I hate him. I hate myself for letting him control me. But I couldn’t stand the thought of you s-suffering . I’d do it again if it meant keeping you safe."
You pull away from him slightly, making just enough space so you can press your lips against his.
"I did it to protect you angel. I lovd you too much to- to let you go through that. I couldn't let you go through any of that, you don't deserve to."
You kiss him again, "I know Finny. I know." you say in a gentle tone, kissing his forehead. "And I love you for that. I love you so much Finny."
You pull him into a tight embrace again, letting his get all his bottled up emotions out.
"I'm sorry for keeping this from you angel."
"It's not your fault Finny.." you whisper. "None of it is. It's Snow. Not you."
For the next few hours, you cuddle with Finnick on the couch. Running your fingers through his hair til you both fall asleep in eachother's embrace.
part three.
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finishhimwithlove · 1 month ago
Mortal Kombat X Reader Headcanons
Bi-Han X Reader
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TW: Bi-Han being a man baby, Bi-Han and reader being a lil frisky, Cursing, Mistakes because I whipped this out in an hour
Description: General headcanons about what it's like to be in a relationship with Bi-Han
Being Bi-Han's lover is no easy task despite what people around you may think or say, not that anyone would say it to your face
But anytime you and Bi-Han are together, even if it's just for a passing moment to pass off papers or discuss something important, you hear the whispers starting
"Hmph, Y/N gets special treatment just because they keep the Grandmaster's bed warm at night..!"
You can't give them a reaction beyond rolling your eyes or turning away, it only adds more gossip
You have to be adept at handling the gossip because when Bi-Han is the one who hears them, he is instantly enraged and making threats
"And just what do you bring to the Lin Kuei besides disappointment?"
He's backing the blabber-mouth into a corner, physically and verbally, towering over them and not giving them room to even apologize
Yet all it takes to bring him back down from his anger is the sound of your voice and a gentle hand on his arm, huffing in irritation as he steps back and let's the trainee ninja scurry away
If you're bothered by what they said, then he will take a moment to comfort you, albeit rather awkwardly as he strokes your cheek and grumbles about teaching them a lesson
If you're not concerned with the gossip then he feels almost embarrassed for getting so worked up, huffing and walking away before you can tease him
"But I like warming your bed~!"
If you're a fighter then you and Bi-Han often spar together, the two of you keeping each other sharp and trying out new moves. If you're on the same level as him, then he will allow you to teach the Lin Kuei as well
Lowkey is turned on by the sight of you fighting and completely dominating a battle
If you're not as good as him then he will take it upon himself to give you private lessons so that his most precious person is able to defend themselves against danger and honor the name Lin Kuei
Either way, most private sessions between you two almost always end up with him on top of you, kissing you roughly while your hands scrabble to pull him impossibly closer to you
"Must you always tempt me?"
If you're not a fighter then Bi-Han will aim to change that, giving you lessons in self defense if he can bully you into it but if he's unable to then you're always going to have a personal body guard around
And not just any Lin Kuei will be assigned to you either, Bi-Han is exceptionally picky about who is up to snuff to keep you safe but also not try to make a move on you
Because come on, he knows you're turning heads, and he absolutely will not share you or let anyone steal you from him
His protectiveness is 110% worse if you're in a profession where you have fans
Whenever Bi-Han is the one protecting you(he refuses to admit he just wanted to spend time with you) he keeps a strong hand on your hip the entire time, always glaring around like someone is going to attack you both
Not that you mind, moments like that are often your only chance to cuddle up to him because he's so focused. So let yourself rest your head on him and place a hand on his firm chest, take in his scent and listen to his steady heartbeat
PDA minimal if not entirely nonexistent with Bi-Han, but when you two are alone, then it's a completely different story
It's not something either of you can help, from the moment you two had met each other there was this intensity between you two. Something hot, cold, electric and magnetic all at the same time
The moment your eyes meet, it's like you both are hypnotized and drawn to each other, to break contact or pull away from each other takes enormous effort for you both
You often can't stop yourself and need to touch him, cupping his cheek so that he may nuzzle into your hand, running your fingers down his arm just to watch him suppress a shiver or breathing hot air on his frozen fingers just to listen to his breath stutter
If you two are in public or somewhere not entirely private, then his affection for you often manifests rather aggressively, overcome by his love you or something cute you did
Expect out of nowhere hugs from behind, the kind where he nearly picks you up and drags your body against his own, burying his face into your neck and growling until you reach back and play with his hair
Finding excuses to touch you like fixing your posture, tidying up your hair, or even finding invisible marks on your cheeks or lips that need wiped off with a slow finger
When you two are alone is when he is softer, gripping your chin firmly and kissing you as he pulls you in closer, greedily swallowing every noise you make
Bi-Han is literally addicted to you and struggles constantly to not turn into a lovesick fool because of you
It's something both Kuai Liang and Tomas will tease you two over but they're happy that their brother found love and happiness in you
For a long time Bi-Han will wonder why he feels like he needs you in his life, his ego telling him that he needs nobody and that you're holding him back in some way
When that happens then he will start to avoid you, be short with you and just generally be his natural asshole self around you
In fact, in the beginning of your relationship he would treat you worse than he would treat anyone else around him, just to dispel rumors of your relationship and to try and chase you away
Because he isn't strong enough to be the one who ends the relationship
If you show that he has hurt your feelings then he will feel terrible, but tell himself this is why you're holding him back, making him weak
If you don't show that he hurt your feelings then he will feel conflicted, still feeling awful and ashamed of himself but also wondering if he has lost you already
His brothers of course try to get him to not fuck up the good thing he's got with you just because of his ego which pisses him off but also snaps him out of it
But then he self punishes by sending himself on a ridiculously difficult mission or some horrible barbaric training sessions before he feels he can allow himself to come see you
Will sit on the edge of your bed with an ashamed look on his face and a defeated posture, unable to look at you because of his guilt
"I... I have been a fool lately."
He tenses up when you hug him from behind, kissing softly at his neck and cheek while humming thoughtfully to yourself
"Admit that you're a fool one more time and I may think about forgiving you."
Later when you're both satiated and resting in bed he will wonder what he has done to deserve you, all too aware of how much you deserve versus how much he has given you
Only for those thoughts to be cut short as you stroke his bare chest, draping a leg over his torso and soothing him to sleep
Bi-Han is not usually jealous, seeing most men as lesser than him, which in his mind makes them unworthy of you so he doesn't even entertain the thought of them being with you
It still irritates the hell out of him if they flirt with you though, so often he just pulls you against him and glares at them until they run away with their tail between their legs
However, if it's somebody he believes is capable of taking him on then Bi-Han will get jealous of any attention you give them while also denying that he is jealous
At first he will try his usual tactic of trying to intimidate them while keeping you close and showing off your relationship together but when that doesn't work then he sulks
Glares with his arms crossed while he pouts until one of his brothers calls him out on it before storming off in a manner that's sure to get your attention
You can find him training by himself, absolutely making a mess and obviously fuming 😤
"Don't tell me you were jealous..."
He immediately tenses up and turns away from you so you can't tell he's lying to you
"As if I would be jealous of-"
"I only could ever want you, Bi-Han...~"
Bi-Han absolutely melts at your words, turning to gather you into his arms until your noses are brushing against each other, eyes locked onto yours before drifting down to your lips
"I am yours to have, Y/N..."
You two spend a good half an hour kissing each other and being completely ignorant to the world around you until some poor soul walks in on the two of you
It's usually Tomas who has the misfortune of doing that because Kuai Liang is NOT dealing with that
Bi-Han doesn't ever even look embarrassed to be caught, giving an annoyed huff followed by an icy glare as he adjusts your top over your suddenly exposed shoulder
Quality time with Bi-Han includes bathing together in a hot spring, he is entirely relaxed with you, head back and eyes closed as you wash his hair
Will force you into his lap every time because he loves having your weight on top of him, usually has a large hand on your ass or his face buried in your chest
If you wash his body or massage him then he might actually fall asleep right there, he's always so tense and angry that he forgets what it's like to be pampered by you
Will do his best to return the favor but he's only a man at the end of the day and he gets distracted by your body, running his hands down your curves and squeezing at your plumper areas
He absolutely gets flustered whenever you tell him that you love him, whether it is in public or private, those three words from your lips make his brain malfunction
Bi-Han struggles to say it back even though he loves you deeply, watching him fight back a blush and avoid eye contact is like watching a teenager with their crush
"I feel the same towards you."
He often says it when you two are in bed together, drifting off to sleep as he holds you close, he will say it so softly that you will wonder if you even truly heard it
Being with Bi-Han takes a lot of patience and you will have to harden your heart in the beginning because he will struggle to be a good man to you at first
But after the relationship is established and he is open with his love for you then you two are in for an intense love that will dominate any obstacle in your relationship
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
What do you think of the movement to vote "uncommitted" in the primary? Personally I think it's a good idea as a protest vote, while not "allowing Trump to win" since it's, ya know, the primary. You're voting for "the Democrat you want to be the candidate for president" not who you actually want to be president. Most of the arguments I've seen against it seem to forget primaries exist...
Well, since you came to me and presumably do want my honest opinion on this topic, I'll share it with you. However, this will also be very blunt and candid, including some things which I haven't yet said in the 4+ months since the whole Israel/Hamas situation kicked off, and therefore also frustrated. This frustration should not be read as/taken as being directed at you personally, but since you're the conduit for this question, that's just something I want to highlight.
So. Why should you vote for Biden in the primary, and not "uncommitted" or whatever else?
First of all, what I desperately want to ask all these self-righteous VOTE UNCOMMITTED IN THE PRIMARY TO SEND BIDEN A MESSAGE types is: what exactly the fuck do you want this message to be, and what action do you expect Biden will take as a result? Is this actually based on an expectation of what he can/and or will actually do, or is it just a froth of misguided Online Leftist "rah rah this Bad Thing Happening Is All Biden's Fault," as we also notably went through when Roe was overturned by the Trump-stacked SCOTUS selected precisely for the purpose of overturning Roe? My god, the amount of bad "THIS IS BIDEN/THE DEMOCRATS' FAULT" posts that appeared, and are still circulating on the particularly idiotic corners of this site. Nothing could ever be Trump/the Republicans' fault in that case; it was the same old same old "DEMOCRATS DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO STOP THIS!!!" puerile fantasy. That's what we are getting now with Israel/Hamas. This isn't Hamas's fault for attacking Israel on October 7 (god forbid; the online left loves Hamas) and it isn't even the state of Israel and Netanyahu's fault for responding with full-scale genocide on Gaza. Or it is, somehow, but not so much that Biden personally couldn't magically reach in and stop it "if he really wanted to." I'm sick and fucking tired of this bullshit sixth-grade bad-faith disingenuous approach to playing Super Moral Social Justice Yahtzee and refusing to acknowledge the thousands of complex factors at play, especially when it involves blaming literally anyone other than Biden, personally (just like the Trump cultists, for whom "IT'S BIDEN'Z FAULT" is the beginning and end of their political theory, just like the Online Leftists). I'm sure this will get me called a genocide apologist by the Very Smart Moral Twitter Thinker types, but I don't think "Biden has failed to magically single-handedly solve this crisis, which stems from one of the most major and long-running issues in post-WWII and indeed pre-WWII world history, in four months" is actually a good reason to vote against him.
Likewise: withholding your vote might make more sense as a strategy if Biden was still only blindly supporting Israel and refusing to do anything to pressure them, which is demonstrably untrue. I know it's hard for some of these people to actually read the news and/or anything outside their ultra-curated Twitter feed, but it's been well-reported and well-documented that he is. If the US was directly involved in the bombing campaign on Gaza, sure, tell Biden that you will vote uncommitted to increase pressure on him to pull out. None of that is actually true, and the "information" about Biden's action in re: Gaza on both Twitter and Tumblr is basically just entirely malicious lies. So again: what message are you sending when you decide to be all precious and announce you're not voting for him? You don't want him to pressure Israel? You're willing to blow this up entirely and increase the media nonsense about BIDEN WEAK DEMOCRATS DIVIDED and give Trump an opening to exploit? You really want to announce to the Trump/Putin/Netanyahu axis of evil that their anti-Biden propaganda is working (since all three of them are working as hard as they fucking can to get Biden out of office, and as someone who opposes all three of them, I think this is a good idea to vote for Biden!) and they need to hammer harder on this wedge issue? Because that's all your oh-so-moral Uncommitted vote is doing. It's not a protest. It's not leverage. It is the withdrawing of leverage. If you want Biden in office so he can be pressured to listen to you and take action that you agree with, you will vote for him. Yes, in the primary. Yes, when it's not directly against Trump.
You want a ceasefire, you say? GREAT! WE ALL WANT A CEASEFIRE AND/OR ACTUAL PEACE AND RECOGNITION OF A PALESTINIAN STATE! That's in fact why you should be busting your fucking ass to make sure Biden gets re-elected, and to give him a strong show of support in the primary. Biden is the only candidate with a credible long-term (and like, baseline functional sane adult) plan for Gaza. Biden is the one who has been pressuring Netanyahu in every single contact to tone it down and stop acting like an insane murderous maniac and therefore torching any remains of sympathy for the attack Israel suffered in October. Biden is the one who has his entire diplomatic team working on high-level contacts with the Israeli government and the Hamas representatives via Qatar, while sufficiently threatening Iran to back down from frothing at the mouth to destroy Israel (once again, just like the rest of the antisemitic western left). Biden is the one who is pushing for this not to be World War III, and yet we get Baby's First Social Justice Activist screaming at him for being GENOCIDE JOE and blaming him personally for not, as I keep putting it, shapeshifting into Netanyahu's body and making this stop. "He should publicly call for a ceasefire!" Or, and this is just a suggestion, he should DO HIS FUCKING JOB and continue to work on serious problems that don't have instant socially media marketable catchphrases and won't come with instant gratification. Also, please tell me how you plan to get both Hamas and Israel to accept the same terms for a ceasefire, abide by it, and do exactly what Big Daddy Biden told them, because you, the dedicated anti-western anti-imperialist, think that's the best course of action?
Like. I mean. As vice president and now as president, Biden is actually one of the least foreign-intervention-happy leaders the US has ever had. He was originally against the Abbottabad raid to take out Osama bin Laden in 2011; he wound down the overseas drone assassination program (at which the Online Leftists screamed bloody murder at Obama, ignored in Trump, and then refused to give Biden any credit for ending) to almost nothing, he pulled the US out of Afghanistan, and even though he's been supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia, he's also been extremely slow and cautious (in my opinion, too slow and cautious) at giving them all the military hardware they need, even before this latest blockade of aid in the House by Putin's favorite little bitch Mike Johnson. He has already presided over a historic shift in US policy toward Israel, in terms of conditioning the use of lethal aid, imposing reporting requirements, starting to criticize them publicly, and calling for the recognition of a Palestinian state and more humanitarian aid to get into Gaza. Yet in the Online Leftists' mind, because he is not personally out there Captain America-ing away the Israeli bombs and/or calling for Israel to be totally destroyed "from the river to the sea" as the Tumblr activists are fond of using no matter how often Jews ask them to stop, there is nothing he's actually doing! GENOCIDE JOE!!!!! Like, I thought the anti-western anti-American crowd thought all overseas American influence was evil (but all overseas Russian and/or Chinese influence is fine). When Biden actually doesn't recklessly intervene in foreign conflicts like Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Reagan/Bush 1/Bush 2/pretty much every American president in the latter half of the twentieth century, you'd think that would get him plaudits? NAH.
"Biden should stop selling Israel weapons without Congressional approval!" Okay, sure, he should. Which he did one time, and he also repeatedly promised to veto and/or not pass any only-Israel aid package that didn't also help Ukraine and Taiwan. He's also not beholden to the frothing antisemitic Online Leftists position that Israel should just lie down and let all of its citizens be killed and its state wiped from existence. Like. We also remember that Jewish voters exist in America, right? And that Jewish lives are something which are repeatedly and demonstrably under threat in the rest of the world, including from Hamas and the Houthis (who are genuinely terrible people and the western left's warm embrace of them as principled anti-Israel actors is all we need to know about their inherent brainrot and moral vacancy). We know that maybe going full masks-off antisemite (which Biden isn't going to do anyway, for any number of reasons) isn't the greatest plan and nothing to which you should be conditioning your vote? Likewise, please tell me how you plan to make Congress (especially the GOP-led clown car House) "do what Biden wants," since you're still beholden to that being the be-all-and-end-all of moral action? Or how you account for Congress at all, and not just think The President is An Almighty King?
Aside from all this, I am sick to my fucking back teeth of the Precious Moral Princesses (gender neutral) who have spent four years lying about everything Biden has done. We had the personally blaming him for Roe ending (he could unilaterally overturn SCOTUS if he really wanted!) We had the endless bashing about student debt, only to ignore him actually making the most major effort to forgive student debt in all the post-Reagan years. We have had a complete ignoring and/or distortion of his domestic policy accomplishments, which are some of the most momentous since FDR and LBJ. We have had an utter ignoring, revision, and downplaying of the damage Trump did in one term and how very much worse his second would be. We have had to endure "WELL YOU CAN'T ASK ME TO VOTE FOR BIDEN" at every single second for every single thing, because this is such a terrible onerous thing to ask them to lift one single fucking finger to give us some more time to come up with a better solution. And yet, as astutely pointed out by one of my anons yesterday, they utterly don't care whether the obvious outcome of this action is to help Trump get back into power. Apparently that's not a moral reach too far, but straining their delicate tender moral sensibilities to fucking do the goddamn bare minimum to help us out -- both in America and around the world -- no, no. We can't have that.
Like. These people allegedly want a ceasefire, and they want it to come about by asking literally nothing more of them then posting snide anti-Biden diatribes on social media. That's the extent of the effort they're willing to put in. They can't even trouble themselves to take the first step of voting for people who want to address this crisis in a constructive way. So yeah, I have a hard time believing this is anything deeply felt in regard to opposing genocide, and just wants what makes them look morally superior. Also: I don't care if your feelings are genuinely pure and strong and you obviously oppose what's happening in Gaza (we all do!) and want it to end. In that case, why the fuck aren't you throwing your support (yes! Even in the primary!) behind the one guy who's actually working to fix it and not just posting empty platitudes on Twitter? It likewise does not excuse you from the harmful consequences of your rhetoric and actions, if you decide that the best way to act on your deep-seated and genuine desire to stop the genocide is just to blindly bash Biden all day every day. Not voting for Biden in the primary does not excuse the fact that this election is against Trump and everything horrible that he represents, and that we are in this situation largely because the online left has learned literally fucking nothing from 2016 and is eager to do it all over again. Not voting for Biden in the primary does not give you a special Gold Star Moral Activist sticker announcing that you were too virtuous to engage in the process now, but if you're sufficiently placated, you maybe will do it in November. Miss me with that bullshit. I've spent eight years pleading with people to help us fix this mess, by -- yes! engaging with the flawed process that makes partial changes!!! -- and all I hear is that same fucking nonsense. That is a large part of why this response is so steamed.
Anyway. In short, I don't think voting "uncommitted" is a good idea, I think it only helps Trump in the short and long term, I think it protests nothing, I think it represents the same old tired anti-voting schlock that I have had more than fucking enough of, and I don't endorse it by any means. However, you will see that while I can strongly and unequivocally give you my opinion that it is a bad idea, I cannot actually reach through the screen, take control of your body, and force you to obey me one way or the other. So maybe, just maybe, Biden can't do the same with Netanyahu. Weird.
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luveline · 2 years ago
Omg jade hii <3 I know it's not shy friday yet but can I request maybe eddie with a shy best friend who's secretly in love with him? 👉👈 up to you wether he notices or is oblivious. I love your fics sm thank u any way❤️
omg hii thank u for ur request, I guess it is shy friday now!! i hope u enjoy! fem!reader, 1k
Eddie grabs your hand as soon as he gets close enough, his delight to see you completely unshielded. "Holy shit!" he says, forgetting your hand to throw his arms over your shoulders. "I missed you so fucking much, never ever go on vacation again." 
"Eddie," you murmur reproachfully, though your arms have a mind of their own, wrapping around his back. 
"You're not allowed to leave me. I hate everybody who isn't you the longer you're gone, it makes me a bad person." 
Eddie steps back but keeps your shoulders in his hands. His eyes are soft and brown, but his excitement to see you has his pupils like pinpricks. His cheeks are quickly chapped in the cold wind blowing in through the doorway. 
"I bet it was warmer there, we're knee deep in winter now," he says. "You look like you had a good time." 
"It was good," you agree, sliding the bag of presents from your elbow to your wrist, assuming he'll want to see them most. 
He begged for gifts, in person before you went and down the phone while you were gone, landline calls he insisted on. I worry about you, I wanna make sure you're okay when I’m not there.
You got him everything you could afford, a magnet, a bottle opener, a key chain, a teddy bear with a flag around his neck. Basically a bag load of candy on top. 
"I really missed you, sweetheart," he says. "Not to be sincere or anything, but I fucking love you. Next time you go away I'm gonna have to come with you." 
You laugh nervously. "I love you too," you say, averting your gaze to his collar, black double stitching against his neck. 
"Are you hungry?" he asks. 
"No," you lie. You hate being an imposition on him, even knowing that Eddie will tell anyone willing to listen that you're his best friend. 
"Seriously? You were on a plane for hours, and you came straight to see me, let me buy you pizza or something, yeah?" 
You lick your lips and nod. Eddie lifts your face to his, and it genuinely feels like a heart attack, that sudden realisation he could kiss you if he wanted to, the proximity of his face to yours. Instantly, you're wondering if your breath is okay, if you have eye crusties, if you smell good. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, concerned.
"I'm alright, I'm just tired," you say. 
"You don't look tired, you look cagey. Sorry, I forget that you get all shy again when we don't see each other." He talks brazenly but not without sympathy, patting your shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
"Can we order something? I'm sick of being in motion."
Eddie throws his car keys like a longshot into the bowl on the sideboard by his front door. "Yes. Absolutely. I'm sick of moving too, and this is the first time I've stood up today." 
"I brushed my teeth before you came over," he says, bearing them garishly as proof. He talks through gritted teeth, "Pearly white, no?" 
"Looking good." 
He beams. Eddie wraps a hand around your wrist like the touch means nothing and tugs you along to the living room. He pushes you down into the seat you always take, tosses your usual blanket at you, and whizzes off to the kitchen for coke and popcorn. He has the sweet stuff in a bucket that he eats a handful at a time, the lid sealed. 
"New one?" you ask. 
"Waiting for my best girl to get home," he says easily, collapsing down into the seat next to you, dropping the remote on your chest. "Shit, I missed this." 
"You didn't watch TV while I was gone?" you ask, confused. 
"I watched TV, it just wasn't good without you in my ear judging people." 
"I don't judge people… much." 
"Everybody judges people. I love when you judge people 'cos you say what I'm thinking." Eddie drops his head into your shoulder, his curls brushing your cheek. "I missed you so much." 
"You said that," you say quietly, a little breathless. 
Eddie looks up at you, something playful about him as he says, "I know. It's fucking true as all hell, too. What do you want from Marino's? I'll get you two if you promise not to go away again." 
"What am I gonna do with two pizzas?" you ask, the warmth of him seeping down into your shirt. 
Eddie digs a nail into the popcorn lid, face turned to you but gaze on the bucket. "Uh, eat them. Eat one tonight, take one with you tomorrow for breakfast." 
"I don't want two pizzas, just one is good. I'm gonna eat all your popcorn anyway, I won't have room." 
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, eyes flying to your face. "You think so, huh?" 
Your heart in your mouth, a shudder coursing down your chest, you have a moment where you think for sure he knows, he's found out, and he doesn't care —he looks like he wants you to confess. 
What a fantastically dangerous idea. You avert your gaze and thrust your bag of gifts and candy into his arms. "You'll be too full for popcorn after those." 
You can feel his gaze on your cheek for a little while longer, but eventually he moves from your shoulders, laughing quietly as he digs through his new things. 
"You're so awesome," he says, pulling out the keychain you got him. It's an electric guitar with an enamel body the same colours as the flag. "I'm putting this on my keys right now." 
Eddie kisses your cheek. "Thank you," he adds.
He stands and rounds the couch to go get his keys. You feel your cheek with a trembling hand. Eddie kisses you, he hugs you, he has a thousand affections and all of them set you aflame. Sighing, you let your cheek drop into your hand. It's hopeless. 
He watches from the doorway as you sigh. His smile can't be described any other way —he's infatuated. The sooner you realise, the better, but for now he's really enjoying the run up. 
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save-the-villainous-cat · 6 months ago
A very, very tsundere villian and a sweetheart sunshine hero?
"I used to have panic attacks before fighting you," the hero said quietly. Usually, their therapist was the only person allowed to know those things but the hero figured now that the villain had opened up to them, it was their turn. "I mean, I had panic attacks all the time before fights. Not because it was you but in general."
The villain stared at them curiously.
"I'm sorry," they said.
"It had nothing to do with you. I also used to throw up before exams." The hero smiled, not because it was amusing but because they were embarrassed to tell the villain. "But everyone said I had a gift, that I needed to fight...so, I just...I never told anyone and got to work."
"That sounds horrible," the villain said. "I had no idea."
"Yeah...I learnt to hide it. I was terrified of failing. I was so, so scared." The hero knew the villain wasn't a person of many words. Most of the time, the villain was quietly observing their surroundings. They talked when someone asked, didn't speak their mind, remained secretive. But when they had to, the villain was straightforward and clear.
And now that the hero knew why, they felt like the best comfort they could give them, was to share their fears and open up just like they had.
"What I am trying to say is: we can control some things but most things are out of reach for us. For some things, we are simply not responsible at all. Both of us," the hero said. They smiled and this time, they were truly content. "And look at us. We are doing so well."
"How do you do it?" the villain asked, their voice was softer than so many months ago. "How do you keep going?"
"I have to," the hero said.
"That's not what I asked, though." At that, the hero's smile widened.
"You've always been so direct. I love that about you."
"Ah, I get it," the villain said. They nodded and mirrored the hero's smile - surprisingly so, the hero hadn't seen them smile in a long time. "You're avoiding the discomfort."
"What? No...no, I'm very open to discomfort."
"By ignoring it and putting on a smile?"
"You know what? I don't like it when you ask so many questions." The hero pouted playfully and squeezed their eyes shut. However, they didn't expect the villain to put their arms around their waist and pull them closer. Before the hero even knew it, their chest was against the villain's with the villain's head in the crook of their neck.
"...don't be too mad at me, honey, okay?" they whispered against the hero's ear.
And all the hero could do was stand there. Stand there, pressed against the villain, heart to heart, and wonder how vulnerable they were at the moment. A year ago, the villain would have broken the hero's ribs in a position like this. But the hero didn't feel a trace of anxiety. They welcomed the comfort, enjoyed the presence of someone warm, someone who was thawing bit by bit.
"Are we fucked up?" the hero asked eventually.
"Yeah, a little bit."
"I still like you, though."
"I...I like you too. A lot. Thank you." The hero leaned back to look at them.
"For what?" they asked. They could feel the beat of their heart mercilessly rage in their ribcage. The villain was close, so unbelievably close.
"For showing me that I don't have to be cruel. For everything," they said. "I..."
The hero took the villain's hand and pressed it against their own heart.
"I think I love you," the villain said and the hero understood that the relentless drumming in their chest was not rooted in anxiety, but instead true and genuine happiness. "And...you're not a failure. You've never been. I want to help you. I...god, I am so bad at this."
"No, I understand," the hero said. They pressed a kiss to the villain's cheek. "I understand you perfectly."
And that was the whole point, wasn't it?
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genderisareligion · 19 days ago
The elusive "TERF" is actually just a mirror
All its devotees know is projection. When I started this blog in late 2020 I more frequently used the tag #DARVO in action to start keeping track of the blatant lies TRAs spew that are really just a tell about their crowd (DARVO = Deny Attack Reverse Victim Offend, a strategy used often by DV abusers) and I just have to start making this cumulative post because:
They're now saying John Money was a radical feminist. Lmfao 💀 The male cracker extraordinaire (we don't even think males can be feminists let alone human most of the time) most responsible for the word gender's mistranslation as something that describes human behavior rather than the behavior of languages (most of which aren't even English), the idiot torturer who's a major reason the intersex community has to guard itself so fiercely against "normative" surgeries, who once claimed that anyone skeptical of his "girl = pink, boy = blue, I must fix anyone else" theories actually just believed that "masculinity and femininity are baked into the genes and women should get back to the kitchen" (sound familiar? What are "TERFs" always being accused of?) Like bro that's you
"TERFs are fascists who need everyone to fit into the male or the female box" actually gender abolition would mean no more boxes besides the purely categorical chromosomal ones we can't help from birth, and actually trying to force everyone to fall somewhere on a scale of femininity and masculinity and positing intersex conditions as the "middle" creates an unnecessary dichotomy amongst particularly females, where a woman born with PCOS is considered "less female" than one without regardless of how she "identifies," and the more "masculine" you are (whatever that even means) the more your body requires meds and surgery.
"TERFs align with fascists" but y'all are the ones with the Big Pharma billions paving your way so lol sorry not sorry but as a Negro it's giving the way they used to experiment on us for profit, refine their methods for research and leave us for dead or permanently disabled. And y'all think it's empowering? You think they actually care that you're personally fulfilled? You think they won't pull another Henrietta Lacks? You think all these detrans people are just flukes? They'll take your thousands of dollars until you're in debt and pump you full of more dubious "treatment" as long as it means they get to keep quietly going home to their white picket fences where all their loved ones are fine pretending they're heroes rather than profiting off others' pain. What is fascism if not allowing the medical establishment to "correct undesirables"?
"TERFs are Nazis" but the "first ever transgender surgery" on "trans woman" Lillie Ebe was performed by literal fucking Nazi Erwin Gohrbrandt who believed "mentally ill people were considered 'feeble-minded' (this was an actual, formal term) and homosexuals were considered to also be 'feeble-minded' and have inferior genes." Fun fact, Lillie was also a fucking Nazi.
"TERFs are all white supremacists" but everyone I just mentioned up there is a fucking white supremacist and not even Google agrees with you there, searches for the word TERF are done almost entirely in Western nations like the US and UK, whereas searches for radfem are balanced worldwide and in fact an African country is #1 on one of those lists, and you can't argue that those searches are by TERFs themselves because "try Googling TERF right now and seeing how many if any positive references show up"
I have more after 4 years lol but lemme cook
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r0-boat · 9 months ago
Oooo I just read your dark whb headcanons. can you please write a scenario where satan is going through a depressive episode and he accidentally hits and breaks the MC’s jaw? his and his nobles reactions? they have to go to paradise lost to get it fixed. all the angst please 🙏
I was waiting to do this one for a while because I wanted to be in the right headspace for some angst.
These demons are nice to you but my favorite part of this game is that demons act like demons.
Anyways enough chit chat let's get to it
Whb Satan blinded by rage hurts you.
Cw: mc gets attacked by Satan, Satan gives in to Rage, depression, not eating or drinking, Violence against Reader, blood
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Red. That's all he saw. Consumed by so much wrath He didn't even remember what caused him to be like this in the first place. All he remembers was hands holding him back and screams.
When he 'woke up' you were on the floor behind Leraye the normal happy Demon had a serious look in his eyes his teeth clenched as he stood firm as if waiting for something to happen. Sitri's arms holding him back. Sitri finally let him go and Satan crawled towards you. "Mc....B-baby? Are-are you ok? His voice shaking filled with fear, and worry. His claws painted red at the tips. You weren't moving , the panic started to set in. That's when he saw it. Blood and a bruised cheek... That was saying it lightly, The devil stumbled backward. Red eyes filled with pain his hands was shaking as he looked at them. He did this to you. That Scream was you, The realization almost made him throw up.
Leraye didn't want to oppose his king but he didn't want him to hurt you. And he didn't want you to die. So he was the one that contacted Lucifer... Sitri with all his strength held the rampaging King back. Demons have to remember that humans are more fragile than devils. If He got hurt he could just get back up with only minor redding But if Satan hit you???
When Lucifer heard about what had happened, He.Was.Pissed. He deemed that you were no longer safe in Gehenna. Normally Satan wouldn't give you up so easily, But he hurt you. How could he even face you? You were the last person he would ever want to hurt like this. Damn it. He was a monster. Sitri knew that Satan hurt you on accident. But He still hurt you. So he does not have an opinion. And he will gladly stop anyone who hurts you like that even his own king. You are unconscious, He thought you died! Only until, They all did Only until Sitri yelled "I still hear a beat!"
You stayed at Paradise lost under Lucifer's care while you recovered. Once you recovered he'll demand you stay for the time usually he would ask, but your life is in danger, and he does not trust what decision you make to be a sound one. Satan was lucky Lucifer allowed him from visiting altogether. But, the visits were supervised. Paimon did not like it that they were treating Satan as some kind of enraged beast. But he can't deny that he wouldn't have done the same if it was someone else's king.
Satan wants to see you but feel as though you would not want to see him. He still visits when you're unconscious. His hand still shakes out of fear he might accidentally hurt you again. He hadn't come out of his room since coming to see you. When he is not in his own bad, staring blankly at the wall, He is clawing up the walls of his room, his bed sheets, and his pillows are torn to pieces. The nobles had never heard their king strong and always smiling, cry.
Even if you want to see him when you finally recover.(constant checkups with Lucifer) Satan just avoids you for a while. Not returning your calls flat out ignoring you by text. Finally you caught that man out of his castle. And He doesn't even look you in the eye when you stand face to face. He still looks guilty, Looks like he's seen a ghost every time he looks at you. You can even see him grow some facial hair. And according to Sitri 'hasn't showered in weeks hasn't eaten a lot in days. And that this is the worst depressive episode he's ever seen from him.'
The other nobles are urging you two to talk again. They swear that Satan is never a demon to hurt you on purpose. And he swears it will never happen again. Seeing Satan in this state is breaking their hearts. But at the same time they would never force you to make that decision. And if you never wanted to see him again they will support you! Even act as your bodyguard just to make you feel safe.
The pain he feels every time he raises his hand, and you flinch is more painful than thousands of angels tearing into his flesh. He's supposed to protect you... Hurting you should have never happened. And he will never do it again.
Satan is terrified of touching you again. It would take a while for him do not feel scared about hurting you by just touching you. Now he's even more regretful that you had to see him like this. He's angry at himself for being like this.
If you force him to talk to you, he'll break down, he'll start tearing up, he'll hold you close, his voice broke as he sobs apology after apology. Nails digging into your clothes as he mutters that he hurt you. That he's no better than an angel. That he's scared that he thought you died and he killed you.
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loveundrwrld · 11 months ago
yandere alphabet- yandere femboy
template i used can be found here
(cws: blackmail, violence mention, very unhealthy relationship dynamic, stalking)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
he can be very smothering with his affection, very touchy and clingy. he likes to hug your arm or hold your hand, rest his head on you, and cover your face with light kisses. but, with his verbal affection- he’s more sugary sweet than he is passionate or intense.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
mischa is not the violent type, nor is he really able to fight anyone... sorry reader, but he's not willing at all to get his hands dirty. both since he wouldn't know how to fight, but also since he thinks of himself as being better than people who use violence on others. he thinks of himself as a normal person, who doesn't need to lower himself to such things... despite everything else that he does. he’d also be deeply unnerved and scared in any situation in which physical violence is involved, for both your sake and his own.
in the right circumstances though, he may blackmail someone, manipulate someone, or lie to ruins someone’s reputation… but that’s mostly if he feels threatened by a romantic rival.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
mischa is a little sadistic in the emotional sense, but he's more likely to tease you or to poke at your issues while pretending to be innocent. he’s more trying to get a reaction out of you than to actually hurt your feelings though.
he has a general sense of when he’s gone way too far in his teasing of you, and he’ll ease up on that sort of thing for a bit if so. and, naturally, turn up the affection towards you to distract and comfort you.
generally speaking, he’s very clingy, needy, and affectionate- he spends a lot of time around you. just about as much as he can get away with, really.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
yes- kissing and cuddling. he'd be pouty if his darling refused his affection, and would try to act upset so that you would feel bad enough to let him kiss you. he can be pushy and insistent on getting you to lower your boundaries… like allowing him to sleep in the same room as you, or letting him sit in you lap.
he’ll also make sure that you say things like “i love you” or call him pet names from time to time. after all, he does that to you, so why not return the favor?
he isn’t pushy about sex though, that for him is something he can easily do without. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
since part of his ideal relationship is to essentially act a certain role 24/7… he is not vulnerable to you in any real way, not at all.
even though he loves to put on crocodile tears and feign being hurt or insulted by things, he's actually not going to tell you about his real fears and insecurities. it may seem strange to you that he seems so open with some things, but also seems strangely cagey about others. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
if you physically attacked him, he'd be shocked and would probably be very offended. he doesn't see himself as being an actual threat to you, so this would be a betrayal in his eyes.
but if you just stood up for yourself verbally- he’d just pretend that you were being cruel or mean to him, in the hopes that you’ll think that you were overreacting. but, secretly he is pleasantly surprised and amused that you did- he finds it fun to mess around with you, seeing how long it takes for you to decide that enough is enough.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
seeing how you react to him, and how much he can push your boundaries before you react is very much a game to him. he's amused by seeing you squirm and sigh when you're overwhelmed.
seeing you try to spend less time with him or avoid him does upset him a little though. he does genuinely want to spend as much time as possible with you, after all.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
a darling who doesn’t do anything he asks, and is evasive, avoidant, and emotionally distant to him would also cause him to reach a certain reaction from him… where he feels he needs to step up what he’s doing to get any sort of fun out his darling. this is where he gets more emotionally sadistic, and risks angering you to just get a response out of you. maybe he should text your ex strange things, or maybe he’ll secretly let people know about some of the stuff you have that you thought was well hidden in his room… 
and, of course, he’ll be there for you while you’re scared, anxious, and confused… 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
he definitely wants to be married, to keep his darling by his side forever. he wants his darling to do a lot of the ‘hard parts’ of life for him, and let him live a very spoiled and pampered life. so, probably both cooking and cleaning, as well as things like taxes or yardwork…
although he would love to essentially be a cutesy trophy husband, he does know that to have the lifestyle he wants he’ll likely have to settle for both you and him having jobs. sadly </3
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
he does get jealous, both of platonic relationships (you getting attention in general) as well as any romantic partners... past or present.
if you had a longterm partner while you met him- he’d be very quick to try and ruin your relationship, and possibly try to decimate your partners reputation. he may pretend that your partner hit him to make you want to break up with them, or something similar.
when he gets jealous he doesn’t lash out in the typical way, but he lets out his frustration in strange ways. he’ll be a little passive aggressive when talking about the other person with you, subtly digging on them. “hm… they sure do chew very loudly, don’t they? that’d be very annoying to hear that on dates, wouldn’t it? just thinking.”
he’ll also be teasing you more, making you do all these favors for him to see you fret over him… it helps make him feel less stressed. after spending some time with you he can calm down. though, he’ll still try to manipulate situations so that you won’t spend so much time with that person anymore.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
he acts like a clingy and loving, but ditzy and sensitive boyfriend to you. he wants all of his strange behavior to come off as him being “needy” or something similar. it’s not that he’s breaking your boundaries, it’s that he’s sad and needs comfort.
essentially, he likes being seen as cute and innocent with people, and that extends to you too. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
generally using you for amusement and attention at first, just like he does with everyone else. then, he’ll essentially just… casually show up around you or text you more often. it’s less that he’s trying to convince you to date him, since he has a big ego and believes that you are lucky to have him. he just knows that forcing you to date him too soon could end up in you getting freaked out and ghosting him or something.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
yes, mischa is the type of yandere to fake his personality (see:kisses above.) he’s a manipulator and quite a bit selfish, but he acts cutesy and nice with others. 
the way he acts with his darling is just a more intense and focused version of how he used to treat everyone around him. to an extent he still acts that way around everyone too, he just pays significantly less attention to other people.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he’d never admit to it being why he does it, but loudly crying around other people works well for this purpose. it gets his darling to be more nervous of repeating the same behavior in the future, while also guilt-tripping them…
also, while he wouldn't normally go to such extremes, see: hell above.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
much like with tanner he generally lets you do whatever you want, but is just... also there with you. or he drags you to wherever he wants you to go, but the only thing stopping you from leaving is social etiquette (and if you’d feel bad for him for being “upset” that you did that.)
he's not necessarily strict, but he is very manipulative. he doesn't really need to force you to not be around your close friends... he takes up so much attention and energy from you that you don't have time for most other people. and he can just convince you in other ways to spend less time with them.
if you are more of a naïve and/or a people pleasing type, he's very likely to successfully get his way in what he wants.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
he thinks of you being unwilling or resistant as amusing, basically. he isn’t the type to get all that angry at you, at worst he’ll be passive aggressive. but he does get impatient when he feels that he isn’t getting your full attention, so he’s quick to become more blatant with his efforts to manipulate you. 
and, he becomes less patient when he starts to feel jealous. he thinks of everyone else as ‘unworthy’ of your attention and thinks of himself as ‘worthy’ of it… it makes him irritated as he feels slighted from you not recognizing this like he does.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
he does actually love you, so this would be very hard for him.
if you died, he'd be in shock. he'd be depressed for a long time... he had never even thought that this was a possibility. he'd have a lot of difficulty pretending to be cheery and playful, and may never get over the loss.
if you escaped (as in, moved to a new city or something without warning) he’d scramble to try to follow their lead and try to find you. but, he doesn’t have a ton of resources and connections, so it would be very difficult for him. he would try very hard for a long time, though, as he does genuinely want you by his side again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
despite doing things that are definitely illegal, mischa doesn’t think of himself as being a “criminal” and thinks of himself as being above such a thing. to him, stalking is only technically illegal, so he thinks of himself as being a normal person.
instead of abducting his darling in the typical sense, he’d rather just cling to them under more ‘normal’ circumstances. the closest extreme that i think he’d go to is showing up in your house and not leaving. he would feel pretty guilty if you're clearly terrified of him after that… after all, even if he messes with you his goal is never to make you think you are in any genuine danger. he'd just be more sweet and giving towards you for a while, hoping that will help you calm down and acclimate to the situation a bit.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
mischa grew up in a good family who loved him, but he did have some issues growing up.
his family immigrated from germany when he was relatively young. his parents became more busy with their jobs and had difficulties acclimating to the culture and language, which both often distracted them from spending time with him. he at the time also felt isolated from those around him, and wanted to cling more to his parents as a result. he's used to acting out for attention and getting rewarded for it, as his tired parents just wanted to give him what he wanted whenever he threw a tantrum.
he's never really faced any consequences for his actions and knows that he likely won't, so to him... if he wants you, why not have you?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
i think he'd be unnerved at a true breakdown, screaming or anything similar would make him feel a bit guilty and reflect on his actions. did he really do so much to make you snap like that? he'd be more cautious for a while, and may tread lightly around you for a bit. he'll keep a careful eye on you to assess why you’re having such a breakdown.
if it's just crying, he does feel a little guilty, but he’s much less worried. if anything, he sees this as an opportunity for him. he sees that as an opportunity to cuddle them and pretend to be the typical loving caring boyfriend- he's thinking this will likely make you feel more attached to him. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
it's not necessarily a moral thing, but as i said in blood above, he's not really going to hurt anyone physically, much less kill them. he also won't abduct the reader in the typical sense.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
mischa is short and physically weak, so it's not hard at all to intimidate him.
also, see: regret above… you aren’t being abducted and tied down, so in theory you do have the freedom to do whatever you want. if you are able to avoid him for a bit, you do have a lot of options available to you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
nope! he's not the type to hurt his darling... not physically, at least. 
however, he can have some sadistic tendencies when it comes to teasing you or putting them in a situation that scares or bothers you (such as trying to trick a darling who's afraid of spiders into letting one crawl on them, sending the darling notes to make them know that they have a stalker to get them scared and paranoid... etc)
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he doesn’t show it in the typical way as many yanderes would, but he does put you on a pedestal in his head. after all, he sees everyone around him as being ‘below’ you and being ‘unworthy’ of your time and attention.
he does smother you with high praise and compliments, and its coming from a real place as he really does find his darling attractive, sweet, kind, charming, etc.
but a significant reason for him doing so is for his own sake- he knows that his affections towards you, both verbally and physically, are going to make you more likely to fall for him. he’s definitely putting a concerted effort into winning you over… he’s certain that it will happen eventually, he just wants it to happen sooner rather than later.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
depends on what "snap" means in this context, since his behavior doesn't really suddenly escalate. he starts off strong and then there's a quick escalation, but there's no real point of him 'snapping' into something extreme.
but, if this just means 'general yandere behavior and manipulation'... it's not a very long time at all. once he realizes he's jealous of others getting your attention, he fairly quickly realizes how he's feeling and tries to get you to be around him more often. this probably takes a few weeks or so. then, he slowly escalates over a few months or so as he tries to see just how far he can take things. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
although he's not violent or extreme like the typical yandere, you are likely going to be mentally exhausted by his antics and being around him all the time. i think that in general he is the type of yandere that would very much wear you down over time until you get to a breaking point. 
so, you wouldn't break in the typical way this word is used for yandere stories- but you would very likely have an emotional breakdown after a while.
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traegorn · 8 months ago
why do you think that voting for someone doesn’t endorse what they do? voting for a certain president doesn’t mean that you’re going to start a fight against them like you’re desperately trying to use as an excuse. people, even the young, remember 2016, and maybe they wouldn’t feel great with the idea that they’re supporting a genocide- i don’t care if trump is worse or whatever, you’re still supporting a man who’s actively funding an ethnic cleanse and doesn’t even care about trans people since that’s your main concern apparently.
"i don’t care if trump is worse or whatever"
That is the most arrogant, privileged thing you could respond with. Imagine telling that to the folks facing mass deportation under a Trump presidency. Look those people in the face and tell them you don't care what happens to them because you'd feel icky.
If you really cared about what you say you do, you wouldn't be taking this position. This feels more like you care about who you hurt than who you help.
It's a two party system, and one of two people will be elected in November. If you're going to challenge the person in power, it matters very much who the person in power is. It's not endorsement, because in an electoral system strategic voting is a requirement for survival. There is no magical option that doesn't put us under either Trump or Biden.
And they aren't even anywhere near each other on the one issue you say you care about.
Biden's position on Israel can be changed. Trump's cannot. Biden has threatened to withhold aid to Israel (which is remarkable to happen at all coming from a US President), Trump says he wants to "finish the job." Trump will escalate things, while Biden can be pushed.
Allowing Trump to get elected will literally make the genocide worse.
And there is no other possible result of the Presidential election.
You want to stop what's happening in Israel, right? How will you do that if you also have to also fight mass deportation, a rollback on trans rights, and further attacks on women's rights? What will you do when two more seats come up in the next four years on the Supreme Court? Will we flip the court back to the left or will a conservative majority stay in place for another fifty years?
So leave your doomerism, selfish, self centered bullshit at the door.
There are real fights to be fought, and you're telling me that not only. is my life worthless in your eyes, but so are millions of others. You don't care if anyone else dies if it means you can feel better about yourself.
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farshootergotme · 6 months ago
Alright, I'm back to this.
I already addressed in my reblog why Dick is considered to be an emotional support pillar in the Batfamily, not only for Bruce. Now I want to talk about this part in the og post, specifically:
"but. there have been instances where - like alfred - he enables bruce's behaviour and/or makes excuses for it."
I want to say that I agree. However, I want to elaborate on why I agree and why Dick could be considered an enabler.
Let's first define what enabling means to have that out of the way:
“The term "enabling" refers to the act of allowing or permitting someone to continue a behavior, habit, or addiction, often by providing support, resources, or excuses. Enabling can be both intentional and unintentional, and it can have a significant impact on the individual's life and relationships.”
So, at first, I didn't think Dick should be classified as an enabler since it isn't his responsibility to control what Bruce does. However, reading more about the subject, enabling includes taking on responsibilities for the other person and avoiding conflict by ignoring someone's harmful behavior or not putting any boundaries, which gives the other person the go-ahead to keep crossing those unspoken boundaries that you never really settled.
Although I would like to argue Dick does try to have some boundaries with Bruce, most of the time he lets him get away with lots of things he does to him. I mean, we know of the long history of abuse there is from Bruce to Dick, even if his actions are not always his fault/intentional. (See: mind-control, hypnosis, accidents, etc.)
I'd like to be corrected if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's a time in which Dick has directly addressed Bruce's not-so-great parental skills. Lack of safe environment for emotional vulnerability? Poor communication? Putting so much responsibility in the hands of a child? And I wouldn't say it is for not trying to make Bruce responsible. But when he was a child, confronting him about these things… Dick just wasn't suited for it. No matter how much insistence there might be from his part about them being equals, Bruce is and always was an authority figure. He was the owner of the manor, he was who had right over their equipment and the cave, he was the oldest—the parent, and Dick had no way to go against that without feeling like he was going to war in his underwear with a stick for weapon against a fully-armored warrior with shield and sword to attack.
And as an adult, having a discussion about any of this might be even harder because he's been since childhood rationalizing and excusing Bruce's behavior just so he could justify to himself why he couldn't say anything about it. Why he was letting himself get hurt without fighting back.
In his mind, Bruce always has some kind of reason. “He was traumatized”, “he was grieving”, “his parents had died when he was much too young, how could've he known better?”, “he tried his best”, “Dick understood Bruce better than anyone else, why would he need to communicate or show him affection when it's all hidden under the small gestures?” and it could go on and on.
That's where the excusing Bruce's behavior, thus enabling him, comes. This is where Bruce gets a pass because hey! He can't be blamed when it was a result of the circumstances! (But it does become a fault when he keeps going with the flow instead of trying to change the direction. “The circumstances” stops being an excuse when you're the one who contributed to them.)
And as the family grew, Dick started taking on more responsibilities for Bruce because Dick knows Bruce isn't apt to be everything the others would need. That lack of communication? Dick compensates by explaining for Bruce. The affection? Dick will give it to them. All the parentification? Brushed under the rug. Nobody notices (or ignores it) and it's a cycle of enabling Dick to be codependent and Bruce to be emotionally immature.
But despite all my previous points, Dick isn't always like this. He isn't letting things go everytime something happens. He isn't looking the other way to all the things Bruce does for his sake. In fact, out of all the kids, I'd say Dick is the one who's confronted Bruce the most.
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Batman #416
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The New Titans #55
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Batman #600
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Nightwing (1996) #99
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Outsiders vol.3 #21
And although he excuses Bruce to himself, he does let others know about Bruce's harmful behavior and encourages them to set boundaries.
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Batman: Urban Legends #10
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Batman #416
So, in conclusion, Dick both is and isn't an enabler. He excuses Bruce as much as he doesn't. He ignores his faults but also confronts him about it. He allows him his flaws and he points them out.
What I'll say is that Dick isn't like Alfred in this aspect, but he does on occasion unintentionally enable Bruce, even if not always.
Now, Bruce and Dick aside, I want to have a section to talk about why I dislike using the term ‘enable’ when it comes to a parent-child relationship. (You can skip over this, just a personal opinion that I felt the need to share. But it isn't needed for my argument, so is just an extra to my post)
When a child ‘enables’ a parent it can mean a few different things:
Making excuses for their parent's behavior.
Taking on responsibilities.
Providing emotional support.
Ignoring the issue.
Accommodating the parent's needs.
These all cause the parent to avoid responsibility, have no consequences for their actions and have their own scapegoat and emotional support that will make it easier for them to avoid seeking help or attempting to become better due to the lack of repercussions to their actions.
However, it really isn't the child's responsibility to make the parent see where they're going wrong. It isn't their job to go “Hey, actually, you should get help because you aren't treating me like your child”. They aren't the ones who have to constantly communicate their needs and point out the shortcomings of the adult, so it always gives me this sense of wrongness when I use this word for these cases because, really, it's more about the parent enabling the child by permitting and encouraging the parentification of said child than the child enabling the parent to be an awful guardian.
Yet again, that's just my opinion. I can change what the word means and what it includes in its definition. But I can have and voice my thoughts about it and believe there should be a different way of calling it that doesn't make it sound like the child is the one at fault for their parents behavior.
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archivalofsins · 6 days ago
What do you think a Trial 1 Innocent Mahiru would be like?
I know this is going to be short but if anyone wants to know what a trial one innocent Mahiru would look like they just have to look at Mu. I was discussing this in a server I'm in but there are three choices when it comes to the prisoners verdicts,
Say nothing (Don't engage. Leave them be.) Guilty/Don't Forgive (Reject, Restrict, Restrain.) Innocent/Forgive (Accept, Affirm, Allow.)
Due to the ways in which the audience choose to engage with Milgram there are a lot of possible paths that are for lack of a better term lost to us now. For instance we never got to find out what would happen if Es just shut the hell up and didn't give a judgment on certain prisoners as they were told to do by many prisoners.
I think that we will be seeing the aftermath of enabling certain characters behavior twice in a row more clearly once the commencement notice drops.
Since as we saw trial one the Innocent/Forgive verdict doesn't just give the character leniency and show mercy too them but validates if not outright states to them that the behavior that led to that predicament is okay.
We saw this with Haruka,
"It is. I felt uneasy about it this whole time… Someone as worthless as me having killed someone to gain attention, and a person who surely had more worth and more of a future than me, at that…" … "But it turns out that I did nothing wrong after all! It wasn't wrong of me to kill her! There was never anything for me to worry about…!"
"…um… um, by the way Warden-san! I don't know about this, but…" What? "You forgave me because I'd only given the bullies their just desserts, right?" … Well… I guess so. "What was it called again… Revenge… Revenge? That means revenge is an acceptable motive, right? So if you don't forgive me this time, that'd mean that it isn't." … "Leaving behind all that stuff you said about me possibly having been a bully myself- not that any of that's true, of course!" Sure. "So, if I'd gotten payback for how my bullies treated me, then that'd count as revenge, right? And if you believe that was my only option, then don't you have to forgive me?" …uh… I'm not really sure what you're trying to say… "You see~, if you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of action, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back in return?" … "But if you were like, "I won't forgive you Muu! Revenge is bad!" then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me?"
Mu you said it was okay for me to bully people who bullied me when you voted me innocent first trial. If you had said you didn't forgive me then you'd have said that revenge is bad. Yet, the fact is you forgave me so revenge is good so it's acceptable for me to bully people who have bullied me. You're verdict said that is the correct course of action so if you bully me now then you'll deserve exactly what happens after that right?
"If you want to betray from jealousy- You know what’s gonna happen ON YOU."/ "Is this fun for you? Tying me up, bullying me, watching me suffer. You’re just like the others, getting mad because I was lucky in life and thinking you can treat me however you want."
and Kotoko through her attacks on the prisoners.
However in the case of Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui their responses to their verdicts were treated as vague. In Shidou's case his response to his verdict wasn't really that vague. He just did what he said he'd do if he was forgiven continue what he was doing regardless of how meaningless it was.
Kotoko's attacks allowed Shidou to showcase how he hadn't changed one bit as he weighed lives against each other. Deciding who was salvageable and who was a lost cause,
It's been a while, Shidou. "Orbital floor fracture on the right." Hm? "Traumatic retinal detachment. Bruising. Lacerations. Partial fracture of the thorax." ... "This is Kajiyama-kun's present condition." Futa's...
"“Throw down”, someone’s value cannot be the same as another. “Throw down” should choose between superiority or inferiority."
23/10/24 (Shidou’s Birthday)
Mahiru: You have a family right, Shidou-san……? How does it feel, being married, having kids……? Shidou: ……yeah, it’s a wonderful thing. Children…… yeah. They really are hope for the future. When you have your own, suddenly it becomes fun growing old. Since as you grow older, you get to see them grow up. Mahiru: Ah…… how lovely. It was always my dream to become a bride. Though maybe that seems a bit out-dated. I wish it could’ve come true…… Shidou: It isn’t too late. I’m going to make sure you live. So let’s get out of here, and you make your wish come true. ……you still have so much to live for.
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"You don’t even know yet, and yet... Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again I need to be tagged as RED."
Shidou's Aesculapius
Shiina-kun's is even worse. Head lacerations. Bruising all over her body. A sprained neck. Fractured ribs. Further fracturing to the left arm. And furthermore... This may be outside my profession, but her mental health is deteriorating as well."
"So this is unpleasant, so this makes me sick- What do you mean INNOCENT"
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"If this is my punishment. Now I see, this world is cruel and merciless."
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"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough Can’t stay away Please don’t forgive me. That’s why I want this to end."
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"I’m still guilty even if the morning comes."/"No thank you, it’s none of your concern."
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"[Cackling] Not dead... yeah she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of."
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"To keep you alive, you are still living."/ "Killing, extracting, I still won’t see them again."
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"Lying, replacing with hope."/ "The correct answer, I don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding."
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noun 1a : pass, safe-conduct b: convoy, escort 2a: a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device b: a technical contrivance to prevent accident safeguard verb safeguarded; safeguarding; safeguards transitive verb 1: to provide a safeguard for 2: to make safe : protect
24/09/02 (Yuno’s Birthday)
Shidou: Thank you for your assistance with Shiina-kun’s treatment. It’s been a big help having you here. Both for her and for me. It’s good to know that even if something happens to me, you’ll still be around. Yuno: No way. I can’t do anything on my own. All I’m doing is helping with whatever you’re doing. It’s just like playing pretend as a nurse. Shidou: No, you’ve got a good sense for things like this. You’re quick to notice things, calm, and fearless. If you haven’t decided what you want to be in the future, maybe you should consider becoming a doctor yourself. Yuno: You think so? ……haha, stop it. I don’t want to be thinking about the future right now. And for someone like me to have other people’s lives in my hands…… that’s no laughing matter.
Honestly the audience is lucky they only managed to recreate three of the prisoners crimes. We could've gone ten for ten-
23/05/15 (Interrogation Start: Shidou and Mahiru)
Jackalope: Prisoner 05, Shidou Prisoner 06, Mahiru. The interrogations for these two will now be held. Just leave your questions in the comments here. Ask whatever you want to know. This is where you show off your skills as a prison guard. ……hmmm. These two have now totally slipped into the roles of doctor and patient huh. It probably isn’t a good time to be getting interrogated for them…… but, well, it’s the rule.
Let's give the guy in here for malpractice another patient he definitely wouldn't do the same thing again,
"“Throw down” it’s ok, that’s enough. Can’t stay away."
He definitely would not take advantage of another person having a medical emergency. He did not have a documented history of doing anything like that to other people's family. Definitely not.
"Hey, you remember what it feels like? The feeling to take away in order to give."
Shidou began focusing all his energy into recreating the dynamic of doctor and patient that led to the crimes he committed to be here in the first place.
Once again over tending to his plants until they died,
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Smothering them with care the same exact way the prisoner paired with him smothered others with her affection. Showing no regard for how her feelings and the way she expressed them impacted those around her,
"My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care! Tell me, oh tell me why, won’t you just accept me?"
Somehow creating what could possibly be most the fitting end for both of these characters their interaction leading to their mutual destruction.
Though that's just what I believe happened. Hell maybe he had nothing to do with it. I have no attachment to any of these characters leaving here with a stellar reputation regardless of how they leave if at all. But what does this have to do with Mahiru being innocent trial one?
I'm building a bit of a case study on how the innocent verdicts have impacted the prisoners in order to attempt t to deduce what trial one innocent would look like for Mahiru.
Given the hints from Mahiru's first voice drama and the focus on reciprocity. I've stated in that same server that she would have more than likely become more open about her behavior in order to reciprocate Es' kindness. She says it herself in This Is How To Be In Love With You,
"I’m going to start relying on you if you’re kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!”
In her second voice drama Mahiru would have more than likely begun venting to Es about her relationships. We would have heard contradictory factors about the person she's been with. This would have alluded to what This Is How To Be In Love With You and I Love You alludes to that Mahiru was seeing multiple people.
This is alluded to in This Is How To Be In Love With You through her myriad of outfit changes, the changes in the interests of the people she's going to see, the fact that out of all those pictures we only see this guy once and it's his arm.
These statements,
Q.03 Have you ever cheated on someone? Mahiru: Of course not! How could you ever cheat on someone!? Right!? Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners? Mahiru: Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~
There is no reason for anyone to bring up cheating this often or for these questions to be chosen if they didn't show tell us something about the characters being asked the question. Then in I Love You,
"Saying I love you but doing what I did, I know I have no right, crossed and covered in sin."
We'd probably get to see when she began to have relationships like that. She'd start trying to give Es love advice, tips on how to better communicate with the other prisoners, start asking if their was anyone they'd fallen in love with yet. Probably assume it was Mu since she was innocent.
Her second trial song would have probably focused on finally getting the acceptance she felt she deserved and finding understanding. The stalker thing would still be mentioned and she would possibly be confused or brush it off like well of course you want to know everything about the people you're with it's the same as how you are with all of us right. You want to know us in and out because you care about all of us right that's love too?
Ultimately Mahiru as a character embodies the states of love. So, we'd probably shift to another form of love like with agape, eros, storge, philia as she would try to teach Es the concept in hopes of them better understanding and accepting her. Due to being rejected she cranked things up to a hundred jumping straight into saying I love you to get her point across. Because those three words can have a bit of stun effect especially when said out of nowhere and so much like that.
She ultimately used the phrase so much it lost its meaning. Well it still had its meaning but it became really doubtful that Mahiru understood what it was. Because of that she was mostly labelled as too delusional to understand what she had done was wrong despite blatantly admitting she was informed by the person that her behavior was making them uncomfortable multiple times.
"I know it's not the type of question you want to be asked I can’t help myself because I want to see your cute confused face, I’m sorry."
Mahiru's response to being rejected is to pursue harder. Is to come on stronger until the other party gives in. Her response to being accepted seems to be to lose interest. To back off, stay leveled, and look for other things that would be more exciting than the monotony of a regular relationship. Including just sewing chaos in the relationship she currently has just to do it. So much so that she notes it's a pattern to the extent of being considered a ritual by her,
"Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual- Is because I love you."
Ultimately she would have ended up guilty trial two because she would have blamed everything on others in her life for not being accepting enough. Or not,
"Do you really think you know what love is?"
Really knowing what love was like she does. She would become the resident love expert and start pursuing the object of her affection heavily which is implied to be Kazui,
Kazui: By the way…… thanks, Shina-chan. You keep going around and talking to people to make sure the mood never gets too sour, right? It’s a big help. We’re all in here together, after all. If a fight broke out the whole group could fall apart. Mahiru: ……eh? Huh~? Ah, no, I’m just talking to people because I personally want to talk. All the kids are so cute, so I can’t help but want to fuss over them! A fight, huh… But if that ever happened, then you’ll definitely be a big help, right~? Since you’re so big! And buff! Kazui: Ahh, no. I mean, I’ll do what I can. Based on appearance, as long as nobody has a weapon, I think I can probably get everyone under control…… No, we should just hope that nothing like that ever happens. Mahiru: You know, I quite like watching martial arts, actually. I don’t really get it, but it looks super cool. Hi-yah! Hi-yah!
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Day. 5
point: watch Left: Today I started talking to him by chance, and he told me that his hobby is running. Without thinking I took a chance where I saw it and told him “I’m interested too!” so now we’re going to go running together. Even though I’m really bad at exercise…… I’ve never run so much in my life. Totally exhausted. Don’t lose focus even when exercising! The pastel tones mean not only do you look ready to go but also give off a cute oneesan appeal. Hoodie, T-shirt, shorts, leggings, cap, sneakers, wristwatch / All personal possessions
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave. Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again. Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right? Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
Q.05 Who do you dislike most out of the other prisoners?
"Futa-kun is a bully, so definitely out! Also Mikoto is pretty flippant, he kinda seems like the type who’d cheat~"
Mahiru: Shidou-san…… you’re really good-looking. Personally I think you’d be better if you ate a bit more, but you’re slim and tall, and well put together to boot…… You must’ve been super popular up until now, right? Shidou: ……yeah, that’s true…… I did my share of fooling around in the past. Mahiru: Oh~? That’s not the sort of answer I’d expect from you. I’ve got it! Somebody told you that if you replied like that people wouldn’t resent you so much, right? Shidou: Haha, I’m surprised you guessed. ……it seems that no matter what guise I put on, it’s meaningless against a woman’s insight.
Q.20 What do you think about smoking?
Mahiru: I’ve never smoked myself- But if the person I like did, then I might start to be like them.
21/08/05   (Kazui’s Birthday)
Kazui: Oh, Shina-chan? How scandalous, coming to a man’s room in the middle of the night like this. Well, not that it’s really a room, just a cell. ……just kidding, since you brought some drinks with you, I’m assuming you’ve come to wish me a happy birthday, right? Thank you. Mahiru: Yep! Happy birthday Kazui-san~ Clap clap clap! But as well as that~ ……I also just maybe wanted to use it as an excuse so I could ask you for some advice over drinks, I suppose? Kazui: Advice, huh. Well, you’re more than welcome, but I don’t really know what advice an old man like me could give you. I haven’t got the first clue about what love is like for a young girl nowadays. Mahiru: Ahaha…… Don’t worry, much as I’d love to talk about that too, um…… er, Kazui-san. You know, recently I’ve been having the same dream every day. Lots of people were denying my actions…… Denying my thoughts…… that sort of dream.
"Ring ring, I’m calling you in the middle of the night."/ "
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Q.05  If you went to an amusement park, what ride would you choose to go on? Kazui: Not gonna lie, I kinda want to go on the merry-go-round.
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With Shidou, Mahiru and Kazui all innocent round one I feel like Mahiru would start smoking as an excuse to get closer to Kazui. Then that would in turn bring her closer to Shidou who was already showing an interest in Mahiru due to the many ways she resembles his wife. Being good at cooking, cleaning, communication, and with kids like Amane.
This would open up the love triangle route. Where Mahiru is interested in Kazui, Kazui is annoyed or put off by her advances (not really interested in anyone), Shidou is interested in Mahiru and worried about how the verdict has been impacting her because she just started smoking seems to be changing a great deal and in a very insignificant amount of time at that.
She'd basically start annoying Kazui the same way that Mu began annoying Yuno. She'd then be more guilty trial two for getting in the of a lot of people's favorite ships. People would react worse to Mahiru even trying to fuck Kazui then they did to Mu and Haruka's relationship where no one was fucking. There wasn't even much inclination that was going on with them and both their fans wanted to burn the other character at the stake for daring to be near their precious child.
People would be calling for Mahiru to be killed out of jealousy. Because she dared to even make one advance at Kazui. Not me though girl you pursue your dreams.
Shidou was like there's still time you can get out of here and do that while Mahiru was laid up and bed like yeah out of here and do it. Kazui off patrolling the prison as this woman is sat in bed with two attendants. Kazui and Mahiru were stopped from doing the funniest thing due to those first trial verdicts.
It would have been amazing to see her pursue that harder. Because she was pursuing it. She never asked any other man what their type was. That was a Kazui specific question. We didn't see that conversation with the girls she was talking about. Plus we know the other girls here who the fuck was really asking that question at that time?
Mu was afraid and requesting deserts. Kotoko is Kotoko. Do you think she asked. Yuno is there and could have corroborated her story but instead was like let me point out how this man is lying.
Just him and she quickly dismissed any other man here as not good enough for arbitrary reasons or just based of vibes.
She knew she is twenty-three she navigated that well but she knew. Her coming in their trial two and being like thanks to Milgram I found my true love and Kazui coming in trial two like you need to do something about this woman before I do. While Shidou is over here getting Mahiru's help tending to Amane after she inevitably gets wounded because Kotoko would then attack in this order,
Mikoto- (intervenes)
This would be wild. It would logically be what would happen. Like it's logistically Kotoko's best bet to attack the most people. However it going this way relies on the idea that Kazui would still intervene during the attack with Futa which would leave Amane tto get really messed up by Kotoko's attack.
Now hear me out.
In this circumstance Futa might get fucked up more and Kazui would have probably intervened with Amane instead. Because in the first attack he choose the younger of the two prisoners Kotoko attempted to attack to step in on. So in this scenario he may do that again.
Protecting the kids like Mahiru asked him to.
This of course only makes Mahiru want him more. He's a protector she thinks. He's so strong and did the best he could she says. She just wants to be a little more like him it's not weird to want to be like the person you like Es and she can stop smoking any time. She started and she can quit!
Mahiru on that Gilbert Nightray behavior if you know then you know. I love how I said this was short but I actually have so many thoughts on this because it's a hilarious setup. Man it would have been hilarious if she was innocent trial one because the staff didn't expect her to be guilty. So her innocent scenario must have been so much worse.
Like there are a lot of ways it could have went if she was innocent trial one but given statements within canon this is something I see as being incredibly likely. Yeah so that's all I've got on that sorry for like accidentally posting the answer before it was complete and hope you can see this.
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blakeswritingimagines · 11 months ago
Dating Yandere Derek Hale Would Include:
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When he has a person of interest, he will do whatever it takes to protect you, even if it means being violent and cruel. He's usually a very calm and collected kind of guy, but once he becomes obsessed with someone, he becomes irrational and emotionally unstable. His jealousy and possessiveness over you are also extreme.
He would try to keep you all to himself. He might even go as far as locking you away so that no one can take you from him. He would try to control every aspect of your life and try to make sure you only want him. He might even try to sabotage any other relationships you might have so you only want him. He would try to isolate you so that he's the only person you can rely on and depend on.
Due to losing so much some of it stems from that. He's lost so many people important to him in his life. He's been betrayed and left alone so many times by people who he trusted and cared about. It's given him a deep fear of abandonment and a need to cling to you for fear of being alone again.
He'll even manipulate you using fear or guilt. He might even try to make you feel powerless against him and like you have no other choice but to stay with him. He might even try to make you scared of what might happen if you were to ever try to leave.
He would also try to make you feel scared of other people when they pay attention to you. He would try to instill a sense of paranoia in you so that you start to think that every person who expresses any kind of interest in you is a threat. He would try to make you feel like he's the only person you can trust.
Being a werewolf just amplifies his yandere tendencies. It allows him to be even more possessive and territorial over you and also allows him to be more violent and cruel towards anyone who threatens you. He would be more prone to attacks of rage and also will go to any lengths to protect you.
He would also be more likely to use violence or threats of violence to keep you from leaving or even trying to escape. He would become incredibly protective and obsessed with keeping you safe even if it meant hurting you. He would also become even more jealous and paranoid towards anyone trying to interfere with his relationship with you. He would want anyone who expresses any kind of interest in his loved one to stay as far away from you as possible and also would want his loved one to not interact with anyone else besides him.
He would seek you out constantly and demand that all of your time and attention is dedicated to him. You cannot leave his side or spend any time with anyone else. He would be jealous and paranoid if you interacted with other people or communicated with others. He would want to hear from you constantly throughout the day, and if you didn't respond quickly, it would upset him and feed his jealousy.
Well, being a werewolf also gives him a unique ability to track your smell and location. This makes it easier for him to know where you are and also allows him to catch you when/if you try to escape. He can also hear far distances and pick up on any noise you make. This makes him even more vigilant and aware of any potential threats.
He would try to arrange dates that are completely centered around the person he loves. He would try to make sure it's just the two of you, no one else can join. He would make sure that the date is special and memorable for you. He would try to make the date enjoyable by giving you gifts or doing something that you like. He would also try to plan everything ahead so that nothing goes wrong.
He would be really romantic and affectionate towards you. He would try to show his affection through physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service etc. He would try to make you feel like you're special and you're the only one for him. He would make sure that you feel loved and cherished in every possible way.
He would also try to show you how important you are to him by always being there for you, listening to your problems, and trying to help you deal with any issues you're facing. He would try to show you that he cares about you and that he's always going to be there for you no matter what. He would try to make you know that he's always thinking about you and that he won't forget you. He would also try to always be patient and understanding with you, even when you're being difficult or unreasonable.
He can also isolates you from all your friends and loved ones. He would manipulate you into thinking that your friends and family are bad people and that they don't really care about you. This way, you won't try to go back to anyone except him.
If he really wanted to show how much he owns you, he could even try to claim you physically with a mark. He would try to mark you with a bite or a scar so that you are physically marked as his.
If someone or something does attack you or tries to take you away from him, he will stop at nothing to protect you. He won't hold back and will use all the strength in his werewolf form to protect you. He would try to go after the threat without caution and use his entire werewolf strength to protect you.
If Ihereally wanted to go that far, the temptation to turn you into a werewolf would be very hard to resist. It would allow you to survive and also to fight if the need ever arises. It would also give him peace of mind that you would be stronger than you used to be, so you would be easier to protect. However, it would also mean that he would feel even more possessive over you as you would now be part of his pack.
Marriage would be the ultimate claim of ownership over you. It would mean that you are legally bound to him and this would give him a sense of security in the fact that you cannot leave him. It would be a way for him to show you that he is committed in a very public manner.
Marriage is a major step in a relationship and taking that step could possibly lead to children. He would love to have children with his loved one. He thinks that would be a wonderful way to further bind together. It would also strengthen his claim over you.
If you couldn't or didn't want children, he would try to persuade you into having children or change your mind. He would do all he can to convince you that having children is actually what you want and need. He would resort to all sorts of persuasion and methods until you change your minds and are willing to have his children even if it meant stealing one and raising it together.
"You're mine and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. I won't let anyone else have their lips on you, I won't let anyone else make you laugh, I won't let anyone else hold your hand. You belong to me and you will only be with me."
Toys - Loves incorporating toys into your playtime. Using vibrators, dildos, and other sex toys on you (or even inserting them himself) is a great way to add extra stimulation and make your encounters even more intense.
Edging – The act of bringing you close to the brink of orgasm again and again without allowing you to actually climax. Knowing that he has total control over your body and mind and can keep you on the verge of ecstasy for as long as he wants.
Bondage - From simple handcuffs or blindfolds to more complex restraint systems that leave you completely at his mercy. He enjoys spanking and caning as well, especially when combined with other forms of humiliation play.
Breeding - The thought of impregnating you and making you carry his children is incredibly erotic for him. Knowing that he could leave his mark on you forever is both thrilling and exciting.
Sensory Deprivation - Blindfolding or gagging you before fucking you senseless is incredibly exciting for him. Knowing that you're completely at his mercy and unable to see or speak adds an extra layer of thrill to the encounters.
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kasagia · 1 year ago
❄️️Warm my heart pt. 6❄️️
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/ The Darkling x fem! heartrender! reader Summary: Lots of things are happening. And you're going to learn something completely new about Aleksander… Warning(s): furious Aleksander and his shadows shed blood; Word Count: 3,6 k Taglist:@aoi-targaryen @budugu @flostvs1508 ~•♤♤♤•~ Aleksander Morozova’s Masterlist ~•♤♤♤•~ ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 5 ~•♤♤♤•~ Part 7 ~•♤♤♤•~
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Dressed in a nightgown, you were already going to bed when suddenly there was a knock on your chambers.
You frown, not knowing who it could be at this late in the night. Well... you couldn't say you didn't have some hopes about the identity of your late-night guest.
"Aleksander?" you ask, opening the door.
There is no one there. You frown and walk out of the safety of your chambers. You take a look around, searching for anyone in the quiet, dark corridor. You notice that the torches have been extinguished faster than usual, leaving only one in the middle of the passageway.
You listen to your surroundings and hear the two heartbeats, which probably came from the guards patrolling the corridors. It does not arouse any suspicions in you, so you shrug and decide to go back to your room and ignore this strange situation.
You suspect that these are some young Grishas playing instead of sleeping. The youngest summoners have already played various tricks and jokes on the inhabitants of the Little Palace several times.
You change your mind when suddenly a wet cloth is pressed to your nose and someone's arms wrap around you. You fight against your attacker, trying to scream, but all you manage to do is scratch him. You fall limply to the floor as the substance takes effect, and before you completely pass out, you're kicked in the stomach.
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Aleksander rubbed his hand over his forehead as he read the latest reports from the fold. Another failed transport. More Grishas were killed. He shuddered, placing the paper on the desk. This wasn't supposed to be like this. The Volcra were supposed to attack the king's men, the Fjerdans... not his people.
With every day in the Little Palace, with every news of his men dying in the fold... every time you offered to move to West Ravka with the others to personally supervise the transfer, he felt the bile rising in his throat. He would correct his mistake. He will move the fold and widen it so that it serves him as it should. He just had to get that stag and the powers of the Sun Summoner.
"General." Ivan enters the war room with Fedyor and Inferni. "We have a problem."
"As always." He sighs and gets up from the desk. He goes to the bar to pour himself some whiskey. "What happened this time?"
"There was an attack on the eastern wing. Alina was the target." he freezes for a moment, pours himself a drink, and turns back to his men.
"Sun Summoner?"
"Alive and safe. But it is not everything. The rebels took hostages. They barricaded themselves in the training room. They have Fjerdans' technology, blocking our powers. And…"
"We can't find Y/N." Fedyor takes Ivan's place by delivering the news. Aleksander's eyes are fixed blankly on the heartrender as he processes his words.
This one sentence makes him stop seeing or hearing anything. He feels his shadows slowly begin to take over the room as he allows his power to slip away for a slight moment when he creates a plan in his head.
"I want all of you on the east wing. Every single one of you who is usually coming to the mission with me, no inexperienced greenhorns."
Before they can answer him, he already leaves the room and storms to where the rebels are supposed to be.
Aleksander was not famous for his mercy, and he certainly would not show it to those who dared to enter HIS palace. They wanted to kill his Sun Summoner and deprive him of the source of power that was a key element of his plan. But what sealed their long, painful, slow death at his hands and shadows was that they dared to take HIS SECOND-IN-COMMAND from him.
He practically ran to the east wing. He didn't notice anything around him. All Aleksander could think about was you. He has already figured out seven different plans for how to rescue you and get you back into his arms.
Involuntarily, he remembered the last time he tried to save someone from his enemies... someone who had not made it out alive.
No. He shook his head and passed the Grishas, who were beginning to gather outside the training room at his command. You weren't Luda. He promised himself that you wouldn't end up like her... even if he had to create a second fold to protect you.
He vaguely remembers nodding at Zoya. She summoned a wind that blew the door off its hinges, and he entered first with the cut already formed and his shadows filling the room. He controlled himself enough not to kill anyone in the room until he located exactly where you were.
But the problem was that you WEREN'T there.
His heart sinks as he imagines you with a deadly wound, blood pouring out of you, forming a pool beneath you somewhere on the grounds of the Little Palace, a place that he made—a place that was supposed to be free from the death of any Grishas. ESPECIALLY YOURS.
"Where is my heartrender?!"
His question receives no answer. In a fit of rage, he growls menacingly, his shadows wrapping around one of the attackers. He dies practically on the spot, only able to utter a few screams that satisfy Aleksander enough to regain full control over himself.
He takes a few intimidating steps towards the man who is trembling the most of all the rebels on the ground, held down by Ivan. The sound of his heavy boots bounces off the floor and spreads throughout the completely silent room.
"I'll ask one last time." one step further. "Where." next step. "Is." he stands directly above him and puts his foot on his chest, pinning him to the ground. A little harder, and he knows he'll break a few ribs. "MY SECOND-IN-COMMAND?"
"She… she escaped… with some of yours..." he hums at this answer, pride rising within him to hear that his little heartrender managed to get out. And judging by the few dead bodies, she did it in style.
He presses his boot with greater force against the man on the floor. Spurs begin to dig into his chest.
"Wait! WAIT! I can tell you more! Do not kill me!" the man struggles beneath him, trying to relieve the pressure of the spur on his chest.
"You broke into my palace and wanted to kill the Sun Summoner and my second-in-command. Do you really think I will fulfil your pathetic cries for life?" one lifts his hand, and a small turn of the fingers and shadows surround the terrified man at his command. "Besides, I've heard enough from you. Not your screams, though..."
And with that, desperate screams began to echo throughout the room as he and his men interrogated the attackers.
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You were sitting in the healers' infirmary. You were eating a cupcake when Fedyor was screaming at you.
"You are completely irresponsible! They could have killed you!"
"But they didn't." you say, munching on a muffin. The healer managed to heal most of your wounds before Fedyor arrived, but the heartrender managed to see the effects of your escape.
"We were worried. You're lucky the general didn't see what they did to you. They're lucky. Although I doubt he'll show them any mercy, they're probably dying anyway for daring to attack the Little Palace and trying to kill you as well as others of ours."
"Please, we both know where the general is now and where his priorities are." you huff, reaching for another cupcake that some nice healer brought you. You don't recall his name, though.
"Where, supposedly?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
"With Alina." you say, shrugging. Disbelief crosses your friend's face before he groans loudly in torment. You frown at him in confusion. "What? Am I wrong? After all, she was the target. He's probably wiping her tears away with his handkerchief or something."
"I have no strength against you. How many times do I have to tell you that he doesn't want Alina? And not. Don't start with your stupid nonsense about equals, more equals, fate, or opposites attracting. It doesn't work like that here between them. The sooner you get off your ass and do something, the shorter I will have to endure your outbursts of jealousy, and Ivan will have to endure the general's outbursts."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Please, who do you think tracked down who you were corresponding with and intercepted Mal's letter for him? Ivan didn't even have time to finish his report. He ran out of the war room as if he had been scalded, almost crumpling Ortsev's letter in his hand. I remember because I was walking Genio to the Grand Palace, and we almost stepped under his feet. It's good that he controls himself and doesn't summon his shadows in a fit of emotion, because every week, even every day, we would have to organise funerals for our people because our general created a second fold because of you."
You blush slightly and clear your throat before taking another muffin.
"And yet he's not here."
"Because I believe that right now he is disembowelling those who knocked you out as an act of his undying love for you." you roll your eyes at him. You both shut up as the healer returns with some vials for you.
"Here. Just in case the dizziness persists." you smile sweetly at him and thank him while taking the vials from him. The healer blushes slightly. Fedyor rolls his eyes at you and clears his throat.
“Let's go, Y/N. Before there are any more wounded… or dead.”
"I'll join you soon." you say, nodding at him to leave.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." he sighs in defeat and leaves the infirmary.
You turn around, giving your full attention to the healer. He was sweet. And after everything that happened, he was a nice break from your daily dramas. Plus, he had something you really liked.
"Is that a moonstone?" you ask with a kind smile, pointing to the bracelet he was wearing.
"Oh yes." he says sheepishly, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. "A durasts friend did this to me. Some people believe that it can help attract love into one's life."
"Aww. That's really beautiful." you see how he becomes ashamed under your gaze.
"Umm…thank you. If I can help you in any way, you know where to find me." you nod and thank him once again before he disappears into the glove compartment, probably to restock medical supplies.
You sigh and jump to the ground from your seat in the medical chair. You take another cupcake. You are unwrapping the paper around it when suddenly the door to the infirmary opens with a loud bang.
You turn around, coming face-to-face with Aleksander. The tension on his face strangely disappears the moment his eyes meet yours. You see (and hear through his heartbeat) how he relaxes at the sight of you.
"Y/N." he sighs and walks over to you as his steps in his heavy shoes echo in the silence of the still-empty sall.
Before you can do anything, his hands tangle in your hair, bringing you close to him as his lips catch yours in a sudden kiss.
You gasp in shock, still holding a cupcake in your hand. You moan as you realise what he is doing and start to respond to his kiss.
At first, he gently brushes his lips against yours, testing the waters to see how far he can go with you. When he realises that you are willingly moving your lips and tongue against his, he makes it deeper.
You are pulled closer to him. His other hand is grabbing your waist and pressing you against him, making sure to feel every little inch of your body.
You tremble at the feeling of his hands all over you. And you want more. Much more than this.
When your tongue meets his, you feel like you are in heaven. He moans as he tastes the chocolate in the muffins you've been eating and kisses you with even more zeal.
You're lost to everything else; it is only you and him. His body against yours; his lips, stealing your breath and hands, holding you still on the ground.
His hand cups your cheek gently, his thumb caressing your skin tenderly with all the delicacy he has, which you are probably the only one witnessing. You feel his wandering hand finally land on your neck, right where your pulse is, which is now beating much faster because of him.
He presses his hand there, wanting, at all costs, to feel your heart palpitations. And as you try to process any thought in your brain that doesn't involve his lips on yours, you realise that right now you would do anything for him... in fact, you always have, and you would do anything for him. And it scares you just as much as it fills you with that strange, warm feeling. You know how it's called, but you were still too afraid to admit it to yourself.
So you decide to enjoy the moment. Your hands land in his hair, pulling him closer to you. Only his soft, breathtaking moan makes you realise where you are and that no one should definitely find you making out with the General... at least not until you're sure what you're feeling towards him.
Despite his tight grip on you, you manage to pull away just enough so that his lips don't capture yours again and take your mind off you with his silver tongue.
"Aleksander..." you whisper, your voice shaky and hoarse. And if you look the same as him, then you have red, slightly swollen lips, dishevelled hair, and wrinkled kefta.
"I thought… I thought they got you for a while…" he admits, resting his forehead against yours. You see all the dark thoughts come back to him again as he frowns and closes his eyes. You cup his cheek and stroke it with concern, trying to snap him out of all the bad scenarios he's prepared in his head. "When Fedyor said you were here… I thought the worst."
"I'm tougher than you think. And you really should listen to the end of what they have to say." you try to joke, but the look he gives you shows that he's not finding it funny in this situation at all.
"I don't want to find out. Ever." he says, pressing you to his chest in a tight embrace. "I need you to be safe… All of us need it…"
"Don't." you say, tilting your head to look at him. His dark eyes stare into yours as if hypnotized. "Just don't do this shitty talk. I... not after this."
"Maybe you've right... I think it's too late for us, isn't it?" he asks. You both know the answer, but you're not ready to say it out loud yet. This is enough for you for now. Being in the safety of each other's arms. "Let's get out of here. I believe you want to get back to your chambers."
"Not exactly." you say, shuddering at the memory of what happened to you a few hours ago.
"I should've made them pay worse for what they did…" he begins threateningly, thinking about these men, but he softens at the sight of your anxious state—a very rare sight that already makes his heart ache. "C'mon, milaya. I will take care of you." he takes your hand in his so gently and tenderly that you're sure you'd follow him to hell if he wanted.
But all he wants is to hold you as close to him as possible.
And you let him. Without any hesitations.
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You were lying on his bed. Your kefta was folded and laid on the chair. He took his own off a long time ago since it was all covered in blood.
You were just cuddling. His face was nuzzled into your neck as you ran your fingers through his hair. You both needed this moment of closeness between you. To feel at least a little peace in the other's arms, tender touch, and lazy kisses placed on various parts of the body. The fact that he was shirtless only helped.
"Fjerdans found out that Sun Summoner was getting stronger. They sent some of their people here to kill her. They managed to get into Little Palace, just like it was a damn park. Also… Alina told me you were the one who rescued her."
"I did." you confirm, too busy with drawing patterns on his bare back (he insisted on taking off his shirt, even though you could see there wasn't any blood on the black material) to show much interest in talking about Alina.
"What why? Aren't you happy?"
"I am. But… Ivan told me that… she isn't your favourite person."
"You should stop asking other people about me. You are not at war with me; you do not need to find out about my weaknesses, preferences, tell others to keep an eye on me, and other things before confrontation. You just need to ask me. Besides, I like Alina. She is an amazing friend and sweet soul."
"But… she just makes me… question my position at your side." you admit, ashamed. He grabs your chin softly and makes you look into his eyes as he grabs your hands in his.
"If I know something, I know that you belong here." he says, placing a kiss on your joined hands. "So never doubt in anything… there is… there is no one else like you. And I don't mean your powers. I mean you. My Y/N. The one who didn't turn her back at me. The one who can see through my façade and see the real me and who trusts my judgement without any questions… well, usually." he makes you laugh, at which he is smiling, admiring the sound he loved more than any music he has heard in the long centuries he has lived.
"You are my general." you say, shrugging your arms. As if it were enough of an answer to his words.
"Only?" he asks, with an almost teasing smile on his face.
"No... not anymore." you admit, making him blush a little.
He cleans his throat and wraps his arms tighter around you. He places a kiss on your temple and sighs.
"I have been waiting a long time for... for something like this." he whispers in your hair.
You prop yourself up on your elbow and kiss him sweetly and lovingly. He deepens the kiss, cupping your cheek into his hand and pulling you closer to him so you're underneath him. His hand wanders under your blouse when suddenly there's a knock on his door.
You both moan softly in unison and in disbelief. You reluctantly pull your lips away from him and he rests his forehead against yours.
He licks his lips, shifting his gaze from your eyes to the door. You laugh at how undecided he is looking right now. You can't help but kiss him softly.
"Go. I will wait here for you." you assure him with a true smile of utter happiness.
You see a disgruntled frown form on his forehead as he knits his eyebrows. He sighs heavily and reluctantly gets out of bed and goes to the closet. You roll onto your stomach and swing your legs as you watch him choose clothes from his closet.
"You'd better do it." he says, putting on his shirt. He smirks at you teasingly when he sees you staring at his chest.
He leans towards you and tangles his hand in your hair, pulling you in for a passionate kiss. You moan into his mouth as he bruises yours in a searing kiss, as if he's trying to make sure you won't forget the feeling and taste of his lips on yours.
"You really should go." you whisper, pulling away from him and laying back on the pillows.
"Are you that willing to kick me out of my own bed?" he asks, stroking his hand over your ankle and moving his hand higher to your knee. You curse the pants you're wearing now.
"Contrary. That's why you have to go now." he doesn't take your words to heart. He leans over you and tucks your hair behind your ear.
"Don't move from here." he whispers before pressing his lips hungrily onto yours one last time. You moan as his hand gently cups your neck, positioning you at a better angle for him to freely play with your tongue.
The bastard takes your breath away again and leaves you blushing on his bed. Before he leaves, he gives you one last long look and gives you such a wonderful smile that you can't help but watch him until he disappears out the door.
You sigh, laying back on the pillows and placing your hand over your mouth as you allow yourself to giggle with happiness like a stupid, lovestruck teenager. You completely forgot everything that happened today. All that mattered was him and how he felt pressed against you.
You hear a knock on his door. Without much thought, you get out of bed and walk over to them, fully convinced it's Aleksander.
"Did you forget something?" you ask, opening the door only to see the only person you didn't expect to see ever in your life again. "Baghra?"
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darlingpwease · 2 years ago
I wound about Yandere omega Xue Yang (from Mdzs and lets just act like he have never die)
fufufu 'I love my omegas unhinged, intelligent and obsessive', mm~?
every dog needs a master
♡ unhealthy behaviour, animalistic behaviour, suggestive themes, dommale elements, intentionally dirtier and bloodier writing, mention of blood + killing + torture + metaphors with animals; manipulative!reader & morally grey!reader implied
♡ sex during mating season, rough sex, brat taming, breeding implied, blood play implied
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ωα XUE YANG is the omega that you would never in your life think 'my future husband' at the first and subsequent meetings.
That he is evil, that his fate is bad, that he carries misfortune, that he is problematic, that you will definitely regret it — yes; but that he will become your omega? Never. Marriage and a marks is not just 'love' and mutual obligations; this is an inter-clan event where you make not just 'three bows', but radically change your whole life, especially with omega, in whose eyes there is always a shine that has nothing generative or innocent in it, but destroying and cursed.
You knew from the very beginning with whom you were linking fate and life.
That didn't stop you from digging nails into his waist when fangs left a binding mark on his clean neck.
Do you love him? Rather 'yes' than 'no' — no matter what, it's hard not to like him, even if someone finds your tastes strange, especially with this difference between you. But you carelessly say, 'well, what's wrong with my husband being wild, obnoxious, loud, vindictive, rabid, distrustful, unhinged, jealous, territorial, possessive and clingy? I love him, even if every omega and omega-like beta is afraid to approach me, including when he is not around!' — and what can anyone say to that if you already see perfectly well who your omega husband is?
In the end, you chose him no matter what; you responded to his advances and nursed him, you extended your hand to him, you allowed him to spend his heat with you and leave an itchy bite on your neck, which he is happy to update regularly.
To believe in 'kinship of souls' or 'destiny' is painful, even if this is clearly what XUE YANG is trying to tell you, smiling sweetly and making eyes at you, but your omega is so fascinating and pretty as murderous and jealous, as if all charm is outrage at the damage caused by the absence of any morality, — except that where you, like the owner, take him away and forbid.
It's even more surprising only when he agrees with you, snuggling up to your side, rubbing against you, leaving an aggressively territorial smell on your body and clothes, and promising that he won't do that anymore... At least you don't see any signs that he's doing it again. You don't believe in 'the power of love' or 'the power of kindness' — but when the leash is pulled, the dog goes; and even if "another case of how alpha tamed a rabid omega!", you're just smiling, not agreeing and not refuting. In the end, 'domestication' implies complete submission due to long and constant pressure, from which the animal becomes harmless and calm; but can you call your omega submissive and calm, and, moreover, 'harmless'?
You can't even call him 'not dangerous', let alone 'harmless' for interacting with anyone — but you don't need it; watchdogs should be aggressive and cruel, and since your sweet smiling husband behaves with you as with the greatest jewel, which anyone can't talk about if a person wants to stay with their eyes, and a long conversation with who will only lead to cutting off the tongue, then you are more than ready to accept and show understanding, like a pure celestial seeking to cleanse a vicious soul from a dark sediment, showing the wild omega the charm of being a delicate flower for his alpha.
... Who is safer to leave puppies with? Who to rely on if hard times come? Who will be better able to serve you arrows during the attack, follow you during the escape and handle your wounds after the battle?
Of course, you could have chosen a meek and gentle omega, with whom you would be safe and calm while they dutifully served you — but you were chosen by the most aggressive and desperate omega, promising to be the most perfect for you (even if he had to kill all the others so that you had no choice), and you chose him — voluntarily.
And this is important.
The dog chooses the only owner, entrusting his life and future to them, but it is the owner who chooses what to do with the dog. Never the other way around. And if you don't want the dog to cling to your throat and chew through your chest, then you have to hold it so tightly that it can't even move.
“I won't let you go.”
It's mutual.
ωα XUE YANG is very jealous — and possessive. Your scent is always on his body as well as his on you; to the extent that others no longer remember which of the two of you smells. XUE YANG doesn't care how vulgar it may look when the mixture of his and your fragrance doesn't leave body, especially if your fragrance is something 'atypical' and causes a certain reaction among omegas and alphas — he wears it as an achievement, as a trophy that has traces all over his body; starting from kisses and hickeys and ending with bruises and scratches — he is untamed, but you are ready to make attempts to refute this, treating him like a wild dog who does not want to understand where his place is, even knowing that he will never really stop trying to get out of these boundaries and will regularly try to bite through the leash to attack and feast on you.
The relationship with him does not have any definite 'end' on the scale of progress, where you can finally relax, knowing that he will not break out anymore — and if you kept him from escaping, it would be much easier, but to keep him from not trying to own you and be the only one who is in your life is much more difficult and problematic. XUE YANG has no 'moral boundaries' — life has taught him that — and knows that what he has will not necessarily be his forever.
He can't let anyone else have you.
And when his sharp fangs playfully bite you just to lick right away, you can only wind his hair around your fist, letting him feel that you are always ready to push him away as soon as he crosses the border and causes pain.
A few demonstrations are enough for him to learn at least this — even if you can freely bite his neck and shoulders until they bleed, especially when you press him firmly against the bed, wall or floor, leaving a mark on his neck, from which small drops flow down, although you can understand from the trembling in his body that his more what suits it, even if he continues to tease tease tease
ωα XUE YANG used to rely on the smell. In a world where any fragrance has a meaning and a source, and there is nothing 'superfluous', his sense of smell has always been especially sharp and tenacious, catching even those notes that others are unable to catch.
"Intuition" says someone; "stinks" echoes XUE YANG hoarsely when he feels someone else's smell on your body, even if he just entered the room smelling of incense after you took a bath. You don't know how he does it — it's like his nose is even more sensitive, but not at all the way people think; he does not need to feel a literal smell, he feels something even more subtle, as if there is something else in someone else's fragrance that touches his receptors and finds a response in his body and brain.
The whole world is a huge garbage dump for him, the stench in which is unbearable, no matter if he is in a slum or in some noble society where they take a bath three times a day — and you?
You smell like the cleanest and most desirable thing in the world.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was your smell that blew his head off, because you smell so animal-like; not like a stray mutt or a street cat smells, but something that triggers something primal and natural in him, making everything inside him want to plunge into you, get under the skin and stay forever.
When the bottom of his stomach almost painfully pulls, although his heat is still a few weeks away, XUE YANG knows that you are somewhere nearby, even if he does not see you — body reacts to you with the most animal and irresistible impulse, and the fact that you seem so pure and unattainable makes him frantically try to become more worthy and to get higher, to become much better, much more decent — to get to you and bite into your neck, pulling you down after him.
When a cat climbs up a tree after a bird, it doesn't do it to fly like a bird does.
And when he presses against you again and again, inhaling your scent, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing tightly, you are sure that with the same success in his understanding you could be a half-dead mouse in the hands of a well-fed cat, over which the cat carefully puts sharp teeth, preparing to gnaw through the skin and leave a bleeding trail that does not a few more days will pass — his cute fangs are as sharp as a razor.
... Of course, XUE YANG doesn't consider you that way — especially when you hold tightly by the throat to the bed, almost suffocating him, looking down not with arrogance, but with authority, which at the same time makes him want to purr and obey and at the same time try to scratch your skin and make you look up at him.
Bad omega.
“Oh, really? I thought you liked this one, since you reek of some bitch again.”
... Xue Yang loves — adores — your scent and is ready to live forever surrounded only by it, taking your clothes and climbing into your arms.
But because of this, those moments when you smell of someone else excite in him the thirst for blood and possessive aspirations even more.
ωα XUE YANG doesn't build many nests before you start living together as spouses — in the end, he slept in your room much more often and returned to himself only if you insisted that you did not want even more rumors and damage to his reputation (as if the fact that he regularly flirts with you and behaves like a sunny arrogant spoiled darling while for everyone else he is a cruel heartless bully is not sufficient proof of his frank and shameless adoration) or yours (although here you are also sure that no omega will dare to take care of you after XUE YANG openly showed what will happen to the one who decides), but he obeys just to say capriciously the next morning that he doesn't want to go anywhere, teasing you.
But after you become a couple? Your whole room is filled with nests — your bed is one huge nest, in which he weaves around you like a vine around a strong tree, not letting go a millimeter from his strong embrace.
(Where are you going? To other omegas?)
Your clothes regularly turn out to be a building material, which is why you have to go to tricks and take away from his oldest nests — and although you are sure that this is nothing more than another of his tricks, especially when a hand is abruptly stretched out from there and drags you inside with a rather snide purr, you soon get used to it.
Even if you are more than aware of all his shortcomings, you cannot deny that the sight of him taking the form of a ball, wrapping around you like an affectionate cat, makes you want to stroke him and bask, ignoring the sharp claws and cunning glint in his eyes.
He is your husband, after all, and you have to take responsibility for him, even if sometimes he smells of blood much stronger than he should — but you are also working on this.
Or use it — in any case, you mostly accept it as it is.
ωα His heat is short, but strong, and if earlier you thought that he was wild, then during the estrus your main problem is to keep him under control and make sure that the claws and fangs are only where you are ready to have bruises, scratches and bites later.
And XUE YANG prefers the same way — wildly and rudely, so that the imprint of your hands remains around his neck while you force him to obey, pointing him to his place; and although in his normal state he is sensitive to the topic of whether they look at him from top to bottom, from bottom to top or as an equal, during the heat he does not mind at all that you do not give him any attempts to change his position — if you do not want to end up with a scratched chest, feel hot tongue licking drops of blood while he presses you firmly to the bottom of the nest, growling gutturally like a wild animal, while his claws dig into your skin, leaving marks.
He is more than in connection with his animal side and his ego is closer to the ego of a wild street dog, who is used to constantly checking his status and growling in attempts to change his position, even knowing that in response you can easily force him back to a state of submission — and from that, sharp fangs dig into the skin greedily and desperately, satisfying the desire to get enough of you before you have time to take away this intoxicating feeling, even if nothing prevents you from simultaneously indulging his desire to feel the right to have you and at the same time not giving him control, which, you know, will only lead to even more destructive things, since XUE YANG will never be satisfied until you are completely at his mercy — in such a right of possession in which the living cannot be.
... When you gently kiss his forehead, letting him lie calmly in front of you, receptive and defenseless, showing you his most vulnerable moments, giving himself completely to your hands and desires while his body is gently filled, finding pleasure in all-consuming hugs and touches, trustingly rubbing his nose against your neck or cheek, wrapping weak arms around your neck — for the first time, he can finally relax, entrusting himself and a sense of control to you, even knowing the risk he is taking.
And you know that this is your real husband, whom you married just for the sake of such moments.
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